Saturday, September 28, 2024



I have lost count how many time I have said a lot of dart fans are the most stupid cunts you could ever have the misfortune to come across. The PDC has no shortage of them, but when it comes to the amateur game, a lot of mushrooms are without doubt the most retarded cunts on the planet. Amazingly the WDF actually did something right for a change it seems as at a recent WDF meeting the vast majority of members want to ban biological men from playing in WDF sanctioned events for women and rightfully so, after all if a competition is labelled as a Women's event, then Men should not be allowed enter.

How is it fair on real women being left with no option other than withdraw from events when biological men get put ahead of real women in women's event. These men who want to try brainwash people that the men are women think their warped ideology is more important than actual genuine real women have been given far too much preferential treatment.

Of course brainwashed soyboy beta males, who will swallow anything including Noah's cock acted like they are upset as if anyone gives two shiny shits what these weak inferior simpletons think. Take this Dutch genetic defect who posted this on twitter

 What makes this all the more ridiculous is this dicksplash crying about those that scream the loudest. No one screams louder that the attention seeking woke brigade who think everyone should just accept their warped agenda, mental illness, disregard of biology, harp on about their right to an opinion but will try cancel anyone that disagrees with them, suddenly those people are not entitled to voice their opinions.

Here are some actual facts, the womens game should only be for women, the clue is in the name.

Its not like I care about the womens game, be it darts, football or whatever I care about Women in general being told they have no right to question a bloke competing in their game. I have no problem with trannies playing PDC challenge tour or even on the main tour as the PDC purports to be Unisex, then the PDC contradict themselves and creates a women's series in a code that is suppose to be unisex and allow men in it if they wear a bra and simply claim they identify as a women, and then expect people to just accept it.

If the WDF go ahead and ban biological males, that is a positive thing, after all why should real women like Deta Hedman, Anca Zijlstra, Aileen De Graff and possibly others who object to males in their game have to miss out or withdraw and face fines or whatever and men get preference over women in a women's game. So well done to the WDF should this go ahead.

Some of the crying across twitter and forums this week was beautiful to see.

For years I moaned about the lack of proper ranking tv titles in the first half of the year, with only the UK Open taking place prior to the Matchplay in July.
Now with the Masters being made ranked it promotes the event, however I was initially unhappy with the prospect of it simply being the top 32 as that would only be further punishment to lower ranked players who already suffered due to the changes in the euro tour qualification. It now seems it might only be the top 16 plus qualifiers, which in itself protects the top players yet again which is an issue but on the plus side lower ranked players, new tourcard holders will all get a chance to qualify..
As said it means one less boring non ranking glorified exbo on a calendar already littered with useless events. The PL gets a pass as it serves a purpose in helping fund the tour, but the world Series takes up too many events and time in the schedule.

It is no secret I despise them, yes they are right to ban and fine match fixing corrupt cunts, in fact there should be no ban but a straight out life time ban, no second chances for corrupt bastards like that ugly cheating prick Wessel Nijman, However my main reason or issue with the DRA is how in a fucking pub game, mostly followed by working class people,  where during the PL pissed up scum swear and shout , chuck piss at each other, abuse those around them including security they then try to punish every player for even the slightest thing from a player saying fuck or shit on tv, they try stifle any controversy between players which the fans like and creates tension.  I saw an interview this week with Chris Mason discussing the DRA, hardly surprising an ex con would have an issue with a disciplinary committee, however I tend to agree with an awful lot of what he said regarding the DRA, except on the point of everyone deserving a second chance, then hardly surprising an ex con would trot that line out.

Despite his past I like Mason as a pundit and it was a great interview in spite of having to hear the sound of that water buffalo Barrs, and worth checking out


I am loving this recent glut of ranking darts from players champs midweek and euro tour at the weekend. Joe Cullen continues to struggle, and tonight in the euro tour Babs van den bergh went out to Wade and Babs could now miss the european championships. There was some good games on the Friday but a lot of shit too, the afternoon session saw 2 players win games with averages in the 70s, but like almost all eur tours the event does not really kick in until the second day. Last weekend i was bombarded on social media about the 3 nine darters, Am i the only one who thinks the novelty has worn off ? When Norwegian jobbers are hitting them do they really mean anything  other than winning a leg.

So what if there was 3 I believe another was hit this week in modus, I would rather watch a decent competitive game than one good leg. Having a 9 darter in a game does not make it suddenly great viewing. I get it might mean a lot to a player like Cor Dekker or a chance for some fans in the arena to jump around, but the constant hyping of them means nothing anymore. I still remember Wade hitting one at the world champs and not giving a single fuck. Its not like Thornton and Wade hitting them with a double start in the same game, or Taylor landing 2 in the same match, they are more than common place on the floor and I am surprised the PDC try to make out its still a big deal that people like me should give a solitary fuck

I was looking at some of the money being defended in the upcoming months up to and including the world championships and see Bellyboy if defending around 3 quarters of a million, 500k alone from Ally Pally along with 150k at the Grand Slam. He needs to get his form together of be like Krusty and take a plummet down the rankings.

Obviously between work, the PDC Players champs, and the euro tour and having a social life a lot of the darts I only saw the highlights of and there was no way on God's green Earth I had time for modus,, only seeing a tweet about a 9 darter but time permitting I might take a look to see via social media if there was anything else worth watching., though I do not believe there will be.
