Saturday, September 21, 2024



I like Joe Cullen as a player, even if his moniker of "Rockstar" is hilarious as he is hardly the epitome of a rockstar. That said he usually seems an all round decent guy even if he is another typical Man Utd fan, in that he is not from Manchester. When you lose and are feeling like shit the last thing you do if you are pissed up is get yourself riled up on the internet, especially with a complete jobber craving attention. Cullen is certainly not the first, and won't be the last, but once you show any form of weakness people will jump all over it. Look how Gerwyn Price tried every tactic to get the fans to cheers him and when it did not happen wore headphones, skipped events, and threatened retirement.
I understand Cullen putting the little shit in his place, mainly because he wanted to vent on someone after yet another loss that makes his Grand Prix even more precarious, but when you make claims that  you will somehow stop him from playing modus, it only served to show Cullen lost the plot.
I have riled up players in the past myself because of this blog, got the threats from the wannabe so called hardmen who got upset with my comments on a blog they claim not to read, and speaking from experience you know once they engage they have already lost. Cullen should know better and sadly because of cunts like the DRA Nazi Party who now can fine players for things they say on their own social media Cullen could even get a fine, which to me seems unfair.

Cullen knows this, and should not have let the jobber prick get under his skin and for that wins Knob of the Week, A screencap of some tweets in case they are deleted

Some of my favourite moments from the last week.


Neil Duff proving yet again how he is just a mediocre player. He won the Run Down Hotel Cup a couple of yeas back when he had the luckiest week of his career. For some reasons the mentally deranged selectors at Modus think this jobber is a name , let alone a draw,  and gets preferential treatment , and is rimmed constantly by the comms. Thankfully however the bookies are not brainwashed mugs and call it for what it is. Last Saturday the comms in Modus acted surprised Duff was not in the top 3 favourites for the night, and you did not have to be a bookie to realize this jobber is possibly the most over hyped, over rated player floating around modus, as evidences by his 3 constant weeks of failure , where this week in group A of modus played 15 games and lost 10 of them and then scraped through the shittiest group C only to be out of finals night before he was halfway through his second match that night. Modus also showed the list of players who played the most games in Modus history and guess who had the most games ?  Yep..Duff, but they left out his win rate because that would not suit the agenda.

What makes it all he more ridiculous is comms hyping him. Are comms really trying to convince the viewer or themselves ? Yes Duff can play the game, like almost all the players in Modus, but Duff is not even in the top 30 players to have played modus.

Had a brief look at this weeks field and it was grim to say the least, in one game today there was 47 missed doubles in a best of 7 legs, averages in the extreme low 70s and comms trying to tell us one of the greatest jobbers ever Dennis van der Ende against the poisonous dwarf Warty was "entertaining".

Tonight in modus they spoke about the age differences between players, and how Ryan Bramley was 52 years younger than parasite Adams. One player in modus was almost 70 years old in series one. Simpleton Matthew Edgar then proclaimed that age is no barrier in this "sport". I beg to differ, if you can do it at 70 years old it most certainly is not a sport but merely a game.
On the topic of Modus, parasite Adams, another player like Duff that gets preferential treatment, is over rated as fuck was put in to Group B, a group of only 5 players where 3 qualify, and the giggling bearded parasitic gimp finished bottom, always a joy.


Although I did not watch the pointless and meaningless world Series live and only saw highlights on twitter of the end of Bellyboys game with Nijman, I enjoyed seeing Nijman lose. I will always take pleasure in seeing a cheating corrupt bent bastard fail. Long may he continue to miss multiple match darts, as he did against Bellyboy.

Then there was Hunchback MvG, the whipping boy of the last few months who actually once claimed "people fear me". After 8 consecutive defeats to Fluke Humphries he finally beat him, in an event that is utterly meaningless. This week showed yet again how some dart fans are the most hypocritical or retarded people on Earth.

For example, there are people out there who have gone on record as saying MvG was a better player than Phil Taylor, yet his sole mere players championship win on Wednesday was his first PDC ranking title in over 20 months, that is not a typo. TWENTY MONTHS. It seems ever since the obese cunt spouted the phrase "people fear me", it was said to convince himself instead of his opponents. He will still win an odd comp if he is lucky, his days of dominance are thankfully over.

Another example of deluded or hypocritical fans is when Teeth McDonald introduces Wade as a 11 time major winner. Even tonight Dawson called Wade a 10 time Major winner, I am a Wade fan and have never acknowledged  a lot of his wins as Majors, no sane person would as The Premier League and the World Series that Wade won were not majors, as neither were the Masters or the Championship League of Darts. Many people agreed with me on the criteria of what constitutes a Major, certainly ridiculous invitationals, or non ranking events should never be considered a Major, yet amazingly some of the very same people who dismissed said events are now suddenly calling the PL and world Series a proper Major because the obese vaping kebab guzzler won them. The double standards by some never ceases to amaze me. The same people claim the UK Open, a proper ranking event with set criteria is not a major, but oddly they only stated saying that when Gilding won it beating MvG along the way. In the mind of these retarded cunts its only a major dependent on who wins it I guess.

Then there was Callan Rydz who lost today in the Euro Tour to the tea towel wearing fag loving, hun prick Hempel. In the last leg he had a dart fall out of a single twenty, which had it stayed in would still not leave him on a finish. Acted like a petulant prick after he lost, walked off the stage chewing his shirt, thumping his dart case and looking like a little shit ready to start crying. Then reality is something this mental defect has trouble comprehending, look how he refuses to accept he is balding and has the worst combover in darts history and I am including Leighton Rees in that list. I actually feel sorry for him as he obviously has no friends and must have a family that despises him, what else can explain why no one close to him can tell him some home truths or produce a mirror to show him how utterly retarded he looks. Unlike Cullen.' meltdown at least Rydz meltdown was with himself and whilst the game was over.

The kebab guzzling vaping child who is now single after the predatory adult that was grooming him was dumped, decided to skip the Euro Tour, he decided the new release of some play station game which I believe is FIFA 2025 is coming out. This is exactly what an obese child needs, to sit even longer on his fat hole, stuffing his calorie ridden mounds of protoplasm with more kebabs and junk fund whilst filling his inactive lungs with vapes. Then when he dies of a banger people will act all surprised. He wins 2 glorified exbos which some morons call Majors, and suddenly he is tired and wants to play video games.  Tell me again how fat cunts like him playing a pub game should be in the Olympics, and how fat cunts like him, MvG etc are athletes. Remind me again how this game dominated by overweight, out of shape, heavy drinking, potbellied middle aged men is a sport.

As for the Euro tour, Wade was in the last provisional spot for the Grand Prix at the start of the week, but a few wins on both days of the players champs and a win in the euro tour now puts him 5 places inside the Grand Prix list with Dolan and Cullen the ones at risk of being in danger now and possibly missing out on the Grand Prix, and also puts Wade more secure for the European Champs.

That said Wade who was always a fabulous finisher and poor scorer has been the complete opposite lately, scoring very well and missing doubles constantly, never more evident against MvG in the PCs, when he missed multiple doubles on 24 only for MvG to take out 170, and Wade still had chances and blew them. All well and good qualifying for events but his form won't see him do any damage in them.
With so many of the top 16 players not in the best form, and a lot of players outside the top 16 playing well lately, tonight in the euro tour was one of the best ever Friday night line ups, certainly for years, even with the recent shit rule in the euro tour that protected the top 16 more.Sadly that was only where it was good, on paper as the games in general for the night were not great.
Chavspinall who came back and jobbed in the 2 players champs beat the plodding Polak Rajobski after the Pole missed countless doubles which had the scruffy looking cunt Dan Dawson who looks like his wardrobe came from a refugee clothing parcel rimming his hole.
Cullen lost first round yet again this week and his defeat to Krusty Wright could be costly for Cullen in the Grand Prix race which led to the previously mentioned twitter posts.

Lastly, before I finish and go watch some of the CDC darts on late tonight, take a look at this abortion survivor who was crying about  Alan Warriner. Seems saying "chink" decades ago is worse than wife beating, dole fraud, and GBH . Maybe he was afraid to criticize Mason.

Dyson is the right name for a cunt like this who sucks.



