I saw this posted on a so called darts forum this week
Self proclaimed millionaires wife (Paula Jacklin) of the CEO (Des Jacklin) of the British Darts Organisation was caught on camera Stealing a number of £20 wrist bands from Bunn Leisure’s Selsey Campus last weekend.
It’s rumoured that whilst Mrs Jacklin was questioning why she didn’t have free entry because of who she is!!
Ie the BDO’s CEO wife. Who incidentally was staying on site but with a private caravan and not hired from Bunn Leisure
Leant over the front desk and stole a number of wrist bands that would cost all non resident and private guests £20 each.
While the receptionists back was turned as she was double checking and questioning if she was entitled to enter free which she wasn’t.
This was at an England Darts Event at the same time as the CEO Des Jacklin of the BDO was in a meeting with Bunn Leisure trying to get them to hold a BDO event.
(Rumoured to be the World Masters)
You really could not make this up.
A number of players are now calling for her to be held up in front of a Disciplinary
Will this happen?
Will she get a ban?
I do not know if this is true or not, but what I do know is not one single person on the very same forum which this was originally posted on reported the post, nor did her husband Des, who has a valid account on said forum make any denial or even reference to said post. Then again, Des has been silent to every one lately, including the very same players he bullshitted in order to earn his spot as head of the bdo. The catastrophy which is scheduled to supposedly take place in under ten weeks is still without a venue, not a ticket sold obviously, so this begs the question, what ever happened to the lying sack of shit promises that venues were lined up, sponsor at the ready, just a matter of dotting "i's" and crossing "t's" ? He is too busy ignoring the players, and people he was elected in the first place to represent. Is the scumbag, plastic toothed, lying cunt proving to be everything I said he was ?
Will I be threatened with slaps, my family stalked on facebook ? This site reported to the police yet again, despsite no laws being broken. another social media campaign to try dig up information on me, ?
Will that change a single thing about the truth I write. ?
Of course not, but why let the truth get in the way of a bunch of proven liar, and their retarded followers who try to shift the focus of what I type.
If this is true that Bo is a thieve, then it only proves everything I ever said, about scum being scum.
You can give people positions of "power" and I use the term loosely, give them money, attention etc, but lack of breeding will always shine through, as if threatening people with slaps, mocking cancer sufferers, hunting down peoples addresses, and family members to try act like sort sort of hard cunt somehow eridactes all that, scum will always be scum.
How long before the dickhead goes crawling back to pensioner Bob Potter to hold that Catas Trophy ?
Or will he bite the bullet and cancel it. All these bullshit promises he made , not only to get elected, but spoofed the simple minded fuckwits in the bdo. like quif cunt Jim Williams, who actually bought his bullshit, how long before even the most gullible morons in the bdo say enough is enough. Look at the amount of their own fans who have said enough is enough. Soes anyone seriously think, even the most loyal bdo fams will attend their shit these days....regardless of the lessening amount of time they have in oder to attend events, which may or may not happen.
If by some miracle the waiter finds a venue, how many people will turn up to buy a ticket, what tv station will give a flying fuck, and who in their right mind would sponsor this shit.
Even the top players, like Anastasia Domyslova is not playing events and doing exbos instead rather doing ranking tournaments, and who could blame her. Why travel across the dumps of Europe for absolute pittance, in order to get ranking points to play in an event that most likely won't ever happen. This is the new era remember, where we were told players would be returning in doves.
I have zero fucking sympathy for them, fuck the players, directors, county members who allowed this to happen, fuck them, they deserve it, a 2 bit organisation, run by thieves, scumbags, and criminals, which if honest is only following tradition, because those that preceded them were just as bad.
We are going to get one of two options, the waiter will either admit the catas trophy is not happening despite all his bullshit, which no doubt he will them lay the blame on someone else, cos god fordid he honestly admits he is fucking useless and a liar, or he will push ahead and whore the bdo out to some venue like Bob's salmonella centre, haul out the black black cutains and lower the lights and cripple the financial situation even more. Either way the liar will lay the blame at someone else, despite him and his promises, and publicly stating he had all things lined up.
We should should start a poll to see who the cunt lays the blame on, other than him who it firmly lies at.
The BDO claim to have thousands upon thousands of players, millions of fans, yet not a single person can get an answer of him, and I include bdo competition winners, both male and female who are completely in the dark and had no reply when they tried contact him about the Catas Trophy.
I bet if they were contacting him about some event in turkey where Des stood to personally and financially gain from there would be no issue.
The thing is none of this is surprising to me, I called this long before the scumbag cunt ever got the position, Check out my old entries if you do not believe me., so any cunt that fell for his lies and bullshit deserve what they get.
The hypoglycemic , philandering , rethatched , headshaking dutch sack of shit Barney pulled out of this weekends Players Championships , which means he will now miss the Matchplay...to me this is good news, hope things go pear shaped and the sweaty tulip picking cunt misses the worlds as well, faster the cunt who has been getting preferential treatment for over a decade fucks off the better.
But not before he milks the PDCfor some other spots like a full whack of the World Series events in the southern hemisphere...amazing how he is not too tired to attend these events.
Bellyboy who this week tried to blame Unicord for his bad form , and uses the points on his darts as an excuse. Odd how Bellyboy boy reached 3 players champs finals, a tv final in the last year, a world final in 2018 , a world series final, and the points were never an issue, suddenly his lack of backbone, his lack of testicles, and his ability to choke is now only a problems in finals., are we suppose to believe unicorn is responsible for his choking ?
Was going to post a load of shite spouted by mushrooms on twitter, but truth be told to drunk to even care, let them brain dead mushrooms wallow in their own despair and shit, the game is up, and has been for quarter of a century, the bdo only exist as a comedy routine, or something doe the likes of full time jobbers like chris Mason to go sucking up to in the hope of a pay day to commentate on some stream to rim a load of potbellied fat pub players who think they are on "stars in your eyes" playing professional dart players.
Wait till the Grand Slam starts and the so called bdo scum who used to claim they had principles, will be rocking up cap in hand begging Uncle Barry for the PDC coin, the same players who openly swore would never play for him, now begging like romanian heroin addicts on the high street.
Why won't they, afterall the lowest assured prizefund for just attending the Grand Slam is better than every single competition in the bdo can offer, outside of the Salmonella Cup.
It must really irk people like Warty, Prostate hole Adams, queerboy Williams who are so anti PDC knowing their biggest pay day of the year guarenteed is a PDC comp.
To put things in prospective, last weekend Chris Dobey won a euro tour and pocketed 25k, that is more that what the number earning player made in the BDO this entire year....Dobey made in in a weekend.,
I still laugh at the mushrooms who used to claim that Phil Taylor was the only difference between the codes.
Worry not, The BDO have a scumbag ex waiter, who will echo in a new era, players will be returning in their droves, he has sponsorships and tv deals all set up. its a new era goddamnit.