The award this week goes to the BDO Mushroooms. Those new to the blog wondering why I refer to the bdo morons as mushrooms, is because mushrooms thrive when fed shit and kept in the dark, the ideal and long running scenario for those gullible cunts following the BDO.
Yes we know Des Selecta is a proven liar, who hoodwinked the utterly thick cunts of the BDO to elect him, despite him claiming he never wanted to take over the BDO, yes the waiter promised yet another "new era", publicly stated he had sponsors lined up for the BDO. if or when he was elected. Told the gullible idiots an announcement was due in February and its now June.
Where are these sponsors ?
Where is this new era ?
Where is the announcement that was due over 4 months ago ?
What is the story with the BDO CatasTrophy ?
Where is it being held, or is it even being held ?
There is not even a venue for the CatasTrophy, providing it even goes ahead, the other venues that were hinted at in previous months are either booked, not available or even closed, so what now ?
Back to Bob Potter, cap in hand, with the prize money for the event cut yet again as it has been year on year ?
Here is the thing, this does not surprise me, I expected this level of uselessness from the waiter, who has delusions of grandeur, the real morons are those who bought his bullshit, and voted him in, and still defend him. These morons are getting exactly what they deserve. Yet these same morons who will bend over backwards to defend the pathetic bdo and its board of incompetent idiots are the same people who then wont attend the very same events when the bdo manage to get an event on.
Instead you get a venue with black curtains hung up to black out the empty spaces, lights turned down low to mask the failings.
Does Des even give a shit ?
I doubt it , as he is currently busy promoting an event in Northern Cyprus that he stand to personally gain from, rather than give a flying fuck about an event the rank and file of the bdo care more about.
Its not the first time a BDO chairperson put his own personal agenda ahead of the bdo , the organisation he was elected to represent. So fuck the players, fans etc, they are the ones stupid enough to elect him and support him, so now they are getting their just rewards, and every one of them that whines can go fuck themselves, as it was their own making.
Meanwhile in the BDO the taffy whiner Jim Williams was having a cry on social media about ranking points.
Putting aside the fact he is Welsh and there has a lower IQ than the average person, its still staggering how fucking thick he is.
2 of the events he is crying about are on later in the year, and will have every opportunity to defend those points.,
Any event that may be cancelled or does not exist any more,so be it, then that is how things go, as whoever won them would have been in the same position. Would he rather he did not win those events in the first place ?
He is whining about upcoming events in Selsey that he has to defend points in.....thats how ranking points work you spaz, you win events, gain points and then you must defend them, but this coal scavenging cunt would rather act like he is some sort of victim.
The reality is Jim Williams is crying because of timing and losing the points a little earlier might affect his chances of getting in to the PDC Grand Slam of Darts.
This is what it is all about. BDO players are more concerned about earning that PDC coin.
Every single mutant in the entire BDO, knows that the PDC Grand Slam could be the biggest pay day of their year. When the likes of Warty Montgomery, Gary Jobson and the rest of the begging fuckers and hypocrites are depending on a rival organisation for what could be their biggest pay day of the year, what does that tell you about the BDO ?
Last weekend Ian White won another European tour and to his credit he did not choke and played well, however he still has never won a tv title, is generally abysmal on tv, and still people like Dan Dawson are trying to brainwash people in to thinking that he is one of the best stage players in the world.. I was delighted he won, considering the antics of the scummy Dutch crowd.
What made it all the more enjoyable was the comms telling us how Mike the hunchback was undefeated in last leg decider for 21 games or so, MVG also had the home crowd on his side, who did everything they could to try put off the underdog, so was delighted when White shut them up and wiped the smirk of MVG's rubber looking, down syndrome face.
Saw an interesting interview this week on youtube with Wayne Mardle....yes Mardle and interesting in the same sentence....who would have thought it. Checkout his comments on the DRA which starts after 9 and a half minutes.
I am actually agreeing with Mardle.....I got the impression when discussing the PDPA he felt current Chairman Peter Manley is not standing up enough for his players., which from an outsider does seem to be the case when you look at the erratic form of the DRA and the fines being given out without any consistency. I have often stated the PDPA need to stand up more for their players, which they are suppose to represent against the DRA who go around brandishing fines on some players and not fining others for similar incidents.
But there may also be another reason as Manley and Mardle were involved in past altercations. Manley was best man at Mardle's wedding, but things deteriorated when Mardle accused Manley of being a cheat in his autobiography, either way Mardle obviously thinks he can do better than Manley, and any personal animosity that may still be there would only fuel his desire more.
No darts this weekend from the PDC, not even a development or challenge tour, can you imagine if there was no PDC ? Could you imagine just depending on the BDO for televised events ?
We do have the PDC World Cup next week, which sadly is just another glorified, non ranking exbo, and there in lies a problem with the PDC calendar.
The first 6 months of the year has only 1 proper TV ranking title and that being the UK Open.
The second six months of the year, has 6 proper TV ranking titles - the Matchplay, the Grand Slam, the Grand Prix, Players champs final, European champs and the World championships.
For me this is too disproportionate, Yes we get the Premier League, the Masters, and the World Cup in the first six months, but they are all non ranking exbo events and whilst we gets exbos like the World Series and Championship of Darts in the latter part of the year, the first six months of the year badly need another ranking title.
Obviously The Worlds would have to stay where it is, and the Players Champs and European champs, also have to stay where they are as they are based on what is done throughout the year, but the Matchplay could be brought forward a month or 2, or even move the Grand Prix, which already occurs in a hectic period. Events have been moved in the past. Regardless the first part of the year is in desperate need for proper events, and months of watching exbos like the PL , Masters and World Cup wont compensate for the lack of proper ranking titles on TV.
And lastly, twitter moron of the week must go to this clownshoe who thinks Barney was denied a deserved spot in the World Cup
Mark Hussell @MarkHussell
Won’t bother watching as Barney denied place. Shame. My fave tournament of the year.
This moron is now not going to watch what he called his favorite comp of the year, because a player who has not earned his spot to be there was not picked. But he was not finished.....he thinks Mervyn King is a top player.
Mark Hussell @MarkHussell
Barney, PLEASE reconsider your retirement. You genuinely have years left competing yet. Look at Merv King, still a top player. Think it over. You’re a long time retired as they say!