Friday, July 7, 2023


I said when the BDO collapsed that the WDF was just the BDO with a lick of paint, another organisation run by morons,  supported mostly by the same mentally stunted mushrooms, who will believe anything and when said promises are inevitably broken, the excuses are mostly the same.

The excuse that is used a lot is  they are an amateur organisaton, as if that somehow means amateur mistakes can be made. Just because something is amateur it can still be run properly. Take that bog trotting shit we have in Ireland called the GAA, another amateur organisation that makes money hand over fist, those running it are on salary. The whole split in darts was caused when the players wanted the game to be run by proper professional people, and when wormfood Ollie refused to listen they paid the price, and the then WDC now the PDC went from strength to strength. Even the Modus shit has some semblance of professionalism in comparison to the WDF.. Earlier this week the 2023 WDF Masters was cancelled. I am not surprised, nor do I even care what reason they spouted for this, that is how insignificant they are in the game, and any excuse will stink of the same old shit we have seen and heard countless times before by their predecessor

I watched only a highlight package of the PDC Poland Masters, Like the euro tour the weekend previous, this was another comp that could be viewed easily, played in mainland Europe in front of a large crowd, however this weekends one cannot compete with the Euro tour, no invitational non ranking weekend event can compete against a proper ranking event. I understand the need for World Series events but after a fantastic Euro tour the week previous,and the Matchplay next week, it is hardly surprising there would  little interest in this.

Earlier this week I like many others got an email from the PDC asking to fill in an online questionnaire in relation to the  last Premier League. While it addressed a lot, the topic about the selection process could have been more expansive, but they limited that which came as no surprise. Not that I really do give  shit as unlike many I never saw the PL as a major event, its non ranking and rightly so due to the invitational aspect where the PDC often choose their favorites over those that are more deserving of spots.

Roll on the Matchplay