Thursday, May 18, 2023

-------FRIDAY 12TH MAY ------------



I recently spoke how retarded I find the walk ons of Damon Heta, but I can understand it in a way, if he thinks this ridiculous gimmick will  ingratiate himself to Twat Porter for the Premier League, if he produced quality darts as well obviously. Well according to Hector Cake Heta, he is not even doing it for that, which only makes his walk ons even more ridiculous. This week Harrows tweeted wanting to know which was his best walk on, and Heta got all defensive and showed it was not even to tickle the taint of Twat Porter.

So the fact he is doing it and not even to suck up to Twat Porter but doing it for the attention makes him an even bigger knob.
I also enjoyed the German prick who did his best to defend Heta,Hitler would be turning in his grave if he saw how many Germans today were goose stepping all over twitter acting woke cos their precious little feelings were hurt, at least that hun cunt unlike others did not get so upset he went mashing his keyboard reporting me,
Last week after mentioning how a biological male made the final of the Women's Welsh classic it caused one prick to have such a cry he spent the evening reporting me on twitter trying to get me banned, which happened for an hour until I contacted twitter pointing how what I said was a biological fact and stating actual facts breaks no rules my account was back to full. So the prick kept reporting more posts which got him nowhere, Then people reporting me on twitter, reporting this blog, stalking and obsessing about me on forums is nothing new, and only makes me more determined to carry on telling the truth and offending morons that get hurt by words, could you imagine if those fuckers ever met me in real life, they would have a fucking coronary.Be it German poofs, Rochdale midgets,cockney suck ups, or even Australian national cornholing champions they more they report the more it shows what I say gets to them, all the while pretending it don't bother them, and the whole process gets repeated over and over.

I took a look at the Modus Jobber Series this week, as I saw they invited Wesley Harms, obviously he did not have to qualify, he was simply invited, just like they did Duff, Parasite Adams etc, foolishly thinking these washed up genetic throwbacks are "big stars", Harms the deluded spastic that once claimed to be "Hollands number 1", that will never get old. He failed to qualify from Group A which lasted 3 days. In fact the player that qualified lost his first 4 games and still won the group.
Once Keelan Kay arrived on the scene I was done, have you seen this fucker throwing darts ? Its something to behold, if you thought Colin Monk had a goldfish mouth, it has nothing compared to Keelan Kay. Its so bad you cannot concentrate on the match, it really is something else. Its like watching Callan Rydz and that fucking combover of his, it just takes over, making everything else fade in to the background. Speaking of Rydz, he has been acting a prick for a couple of months, agitated, acting stroppy like a petulant child etc, and after Huybrechts tore him a new asshole Friday night posted this

It must be hard for him, spend over an hour every time before he goes on the oche, pouring golden syrup on his combover to try hold it in place, hoping it stays in place so the watching world wont realize he is bald under that birds nest. I feel sorry for him, as he obviously has not one real friend in the world, cos if he had, they sure as fuck would tell him how stupid he looks and tell him to cop himself on. What he does not realize no one would care if he is bald, Cross MvG,etc and the other Right Said Fred impersonators never let it bother them, and the combover only attracts more attention he would not get if he stopped acting vain and insecure.

I find Bellyboy and Luke Scumphries to be the 2 players I despise the most in darts, and now it is looking likely that Humphries will be Bellyboy's partner in the England team for the World Cup, Has there ever been a worst pairing in dats when it comes to absolute cunts with ego, self entitlement, and acting like pricks when they don't score like they want always posturing, sulking to the point they almost make Daryl Gurney look happy ? Such is my dislike them I was thankful MvG won last weekends Euro Tour.


The faster this thing is over the better, for me it has been the worst ever, and even Gerwyn Prices performances in recent weeks cannot mask it's boring as fuck. Finals night should be a decent watch, but that does not make up for months of meaningless non ranking shit, faster we get on to the proper ranking comps of Matchplay, Grand Prix the better. Was anyone really surprised that Dimi an Asp failed to deliver ? They should have never got an invite, and I am sick to the fucking eyeballs of that prick Mardle telling us how Asp is a fighter.

One of the funniest things I saw this week was a former moderator on the almost dead forum Stars of Darts, a puny cunt that looks like the actor John Hurt with aids, who would proclaim how the forum he moderated on was "the busiest in darts" which it never was, and ridiculed another forum that was actually busier, fast forward to now where the puny cunt is on the forum he ridiculed, sucking up, but the funniest part was him complaining about the Stars of Darts latest moderator, an obese 4 eyed little prick who also has a masters degree in sucking up, which is a prerequisite for being a moderator on there deleting his posts.
The zero self awareness of this puny cunt crying is staggering, considering he removed thousands of posts himself over the years, and now is crying about this type of behaviour on the very same site he did it for years on. In the end all these cunts show themselves up for the cunts I always said they were.
Wait til the puny cunt realizes all his posts that he will be reporting on the forum he previously ridiculed won't be acted upon because of mods on the forum he is now sucking up on, are basically luddites he will tuck his tail between his narrow short skinny legs and be off somewhere else complaining and crying about them too.

-------FRIDAY 5TH MAY---------



The WDF have refused to let Russian players like former Women's World Champion Anastasia Dobromyslova from playing in their events, as if somehow it would make Putin rethink his strategy on Ukraine. Punishing innocent dart players for the actions of a lunatic is hardly right but this same retarded organisation have no problem with a man in a dress playing in women's competitions that were initially intended for women, real women, those that says female on their birth certificate, those born with an actual womb not those with a cock.

This WDF has less balls than the "woman" who  reached the final of the Welsh Classic. Why is a man in drag  even allowed in a Womens event ? The PDC under Barry Hearn claimed it was unisex, so there is no gender separation in the PDC...oh wait...Twat Porter created a munter series for women, in a code that is suppose to be unisex, and the stupid cunt cannot grasp the contradictions or choose to ignore them in favour of sucking up.
The WDF however clearly have division between the 2 genders,  and I say 2 because there are only 2 genders, regardless of brainwashing and agenda, and no cunt, or law, or agenda will alter this, and the so called woman with a penis should not be allowed in events for Women.
And before any cunt thinks this is some hate speech, it is speech you might hate, there is a difference.

Should this bloke claiming to be a woman turn up in PDC events like the Munter Series, I will criticize the PDC just as equally, just as I have criticized the PDC for even having a munter series in a code that is supposed to be unisex. Take a look at this complete brainwashed asshole who got all offended by my tweet and then made his tweets private when he realized people were laughing at his stupidity

Simply stating a biological fact is all these assholes need to bandy about accusations of transphobia because they have no other comeback because the facts do not suit an agenda.I laughed at how the moron classed those I tagged as transphobic, when one of 2 that were tagged was an actual forum. Is that whole forum transphobic now cos the prick had his feelings hurt by a biological fact ? When asked how a forum was transphobic he went in to hiding. These clowns when faced with truth and facts cemented in science that they do not like, or does not suit their agenda will have no problem bandying around accusations whilst acting offended and playing the victim card.

As for the WDF


I see this over rated jobber and Modus flop made more news across forums and social media for his behaviour again.

On a forum a member claimed Duff glassed a person in a scuffle, though this poster is an attention whore and proven liar, with a history of editing members posts on a forum he mods.

Lets face it, Duff is not the first mickey mouse pretend "World Pro" to act the maggot cos his delicate little feeling were hurt cos his opponent was getting cheered. Remember when uber jobber pig farmer Mitchell ran off the oche, the fastest the fat cunt ever moved, to throttle an official of England Darts. The official was over a decade older, a foot shorter in height and was ill at the time too. Why was the fat farmer cunt wanting to throttle him ? because he had the audacity to cheer for his opponent who was Darius Labanauskaus. I am sensing a pattern from these over rated deluded jobbers. In fact were it not for Duff making threats I doubt anyone would have mentioned the Denmark open because it is so insignificant.


How long can a sulk last ? In the case of Gary Anderson he finally returned to the Euro tour, mainly because he had to for order of merit reasons for the first time in 2,462 days, since his last game back in 2016. His much hyped return lasted a mere 15 minutes before he was dumped out by Roman Benecký.
Peter Wright  was 4-0 down and 5-1 against Ratajski and the Pole completely bottled it. Krusty came back and won 6-5 after the pole missed match darts in a couple of legs, It was not like Wright played well, he averaged a mere 87. There was some impressive averages over the weekend as Gilding averaged 108, Searle had a 109, Williams and Barry a 104 each, Madars had a 103,Dimitri had 2 averages of 105 and lost with one of them, Gurney, Bellyboy and Smudger all averaged over a 100 in games. Was happy to see Chizzy pick up the win over the obnoxious and odious Luke Humphries.

Damon Heta continued his recent trend of acting like a complete spastic on his walk ons, but its hard to fault him when this sort of retarded antics is just the type of shit that tickles the taint of Twat Porter, this prancing and mincing like routine got Babs the twink an undeserved place in the Premier League, why else do you think Dirk does his mongo act ? And sure enough Dirk came out jumping around like a spaz and fell on his fat arse and ended up limping for his entire game against Dylan Slevin.

Scott Mitchell, another jobber that actually thought he was a World Champion for winning a Potter Piss Trophy, was invited in to the Modus last week, and put in a group where it not only contained the absolute worst of those that played all week that finished bottom of Group A, this was a group where 3 of the players would qualify, and the obese cunt still failed to qualify. An inbred brummie with the worlds largest left foot and head, who feels compelled to defend any player that horsed pints in Bobs salmonella centre all across twitter,  claimed that Mitchell was "out of form". The truth is Mitchell like every other over rated Lakeshite cup winner is nowhere near what the mushrooms would have you believe, he is, was and will always be a jobber, lets look at Mitchell's record in the PDC in the 2 years he had a card, he failed to win a single solitary title, he even failed to qualify for a single euro tour,then lost his card. After the 2 years were up he failed to regain his tour card, Even when he was a BDO player and got a free invite to the PDC Grand Slam because there was no other way he could have qualified, he bombed continuously.
Seems this "out of form" has been going on for many years now, When was this useless cunt ever in form ? Oh wait, he won a mickey mouse Potter Cup so mushrooms automatically would have you believe he was a top player. This is the mindset and mentality of these people.

Meanwhile in Modus this week Lukas Wenig who did qualify for their Champion of Champions event after winning a weekly event, something Mitchell, Duff, Parasite Adams and many others failed to do, decided to skip the Champion of Champions, as he could not be bothered and would rather job on the PDC challenge tour instead, so Jakob Taylor from Canada flew over to take his place. In this Champion of champions they were hyping how some super jobber Justin Hood lost with a 104 average as if that signified the average standard of this shit. Yet in his next game Justin Hood won convincingly 4-1 with a mere 76 average, so by the same logic that would also signify the standard too right ? Amazingly they did not hype that average....go figure.
Last weekend I watched because I like Colin Osborne, and was delighted to see him send Matthew Edgar out, this cunt Edgar with his posturing, ridiculous amateur dramatics, playing up to the camera etc is nauseating as was the comms who rimmed the jobber prick and rabbited on about wrestling and made every game of his a case of fast forwarding as we know that cunt Nicolson also has a child like obsession for wrestling.


During the Wattimena and Baetens game , Paul Nicholson was going on how there seemed little animosity by the fans. Hardly surprising as the Belgians and the Dutch are very similar, both had no problem lying down for the Nazis during the war, and put up no resistance. The Belgian mental case Jackie was seen doing his usual manic routine in the crowd.
After 2,469 days Ando finally got his first win on the euro tour beating  Ratajski. Wade needs to get his act together or fuck off and retire, Ricky Evans tore Huybrects a new hole and walloped him 6-0 in front of Kim's home crowd and the Belgian pricks face was hilarious.

Wayne Jones won a challenge tour on Friday, but fret not all those who think he is back or could get a tour card. This was a field of complete jobbers, where some jobber had to win the event, much like any post split Lakeshite, the win does not suddenly make them a great player or a top player.

As for Fallon Sheerluck, Pinocchio has now played a total of 51 games in the PDC this year between her sole appearance in the Players championships, and the challenge tour and Munters tour. In the 51 games she has averaged in the 80s and lower 42 times. Dan Dawson told us she always averages in the 90s and when she doesn't its an "off day", sure are a lot of "off days". After her last loss on Friday where she averaged in the 60s, again, she has now dropped to 32nd in the challenge tour.
This proves what I have always said, you can hype her, push her, stick her in events out of tokenism and gender preferential treatment but in the end, if you are not good enough time and results will eventually show this up, and its blatantly obvious now for all to see.


EDIT: Lots of crying