Friday, July 5, 2019

What a week in the BDO. You could not make this shit up.
Once again the ex waiter is proven to be a complete bullshitting liar.
Here is the cunt who promised venues, sponsors, transparency etc, and said that an announcement of an announcement would be announced on Monday. Well Monday came and went  and no such announcement arrived. Anyone really surprised ?
Then the lying cunt fucks off on holidays and avoids all queries from fans and players.
Then he breaks his social media silence to openly promote an event he personally gains from, whilst still ignoring the questions of players in the joke of an organisation he is suppose to represent.

Then the stories came out that at an event last week in the Gold Cup  players were not allowed water on stage. Seemingly this was done to stop the scum bringing in alcohol in water bottles.
If that was not bad enough some county players were pissing in pint glasses and leaving them on tables for other scum to hopefully swipe and drink.
Scum will always be scum. When a rumour stated that the players involved were from Yorkshire, the county was out quick to deny any involvement, threatening legal action against people. While the county denied it was any of their players, there was no denial of the incident happening.
Leaving out piss for people to drink is apt, since Des has been feeding the same people shit for months. Shit and Piss , sums up the BDO

Could the week get any worse ? Of course it could, this is the BDO where there is no depth to which this farce of an organisation could plummet to. The finders event, formerly the Zuiderduin co0mpetition that mushrooms have hilariously called  " a major" is kaput. The reason given is there is no sponsor. Surely the cunt who promised new events, transparency, a new era and told everyone he had sponsors and venues lined up for when he would take over would surely have a sponsor for this finder event....of course not, that was all bullshit. So instead bang goes another event, and its likely the Italian event the Grand Masters, which is yet to be confirmed for this year, will also be out the gap as that was also heavily sponsored by finder.
Of course the mushrooms were out in force trying to make excuses as usual. One simple cunt claimed it cost 500k to run the event, and the best part is some other morons actually believed it. A 2 bit mickey mouse comp that had a first prize of just five thousand euros, all played in a small hotel over a weekend , and people think it costs half a million...idiots.

Deta Hedmans houseboy took time off from hand washing Detas knickers to take to bdo fanatics trying to tell people the cancellation of the event has nothing to do with the BDO, until Nick Kenny wrote
"I was personally told that this event had sponsors ready to run the event, however due to the fact that the 3 other majors have not been announced that they were reluctant to part with the money as it didn’t go towards anything if these events don’t happen."
 Needless to say, houseboy went quiet. Houseboys other master Tommy the Jew Thompson was not to be outdone this week, when the senile old cunt came up with this nonsense
"Come on lads, where’s this bulldog spirit, we didn’t create the biggest empire the world has ever seen by being downhearted, yes we have seen better days, but optimistically we can rise like the Phoenix, and once more be an organisation, with purpose, direction and meaning.
To adapt Mark Twain famously said, reports of our death are greatly exaggerated, onwards and upwards, keep the faith!!!

Together Everyone Achieves More. TEAM!!!"
This whole bdo organisation is full to the brim of simpletons.
How long before Des the liar lays all the fault for his mistakes on others.
Claim it was someone elses fault not his that he himself promised sponsors, venues, transparency etc.

Paul Nicholson was whining on twitter saying how he feels sorry for the bdo players....fuck them, they are part of the reason Des is in charge. The PDC q -school was an option, with the challenge and development tour, if the bdo players lack the bottle, backbone or the talent, then fuck off, the PDC dont need them and no one gives a fuck about them. Let the players, whinge and cry about the state of things, but what are they gonna do about it ? Nothing, they will keep on taking it.

I was wrong when I said the proven liar and ex waiter would be as bad as Popcorn teeth Sue Williams and her cunt of a husband, Des Selecta is worse. Speaking of Popcorn teeth and her cuckold, they were at the PDC event in Las Vegas this week. Nice to know the BDO did not fund their trip this time to Vegas.

A mention for Barry Hearn or whoever decided on the selection for the World Series.
Here is an event where they even have table where the top players qualify for the World Series of events Final. This is ridiculous when there is favoritism shown to certain players who are invited to every event and some players only getting a one off appearance or in the case of Ian White no place at all.

You have a fat headshaking lazy lying cunt in Barney who is too lazy to do the tour, pulls out of events, getting rewarded, with invites to 3 events in Australia and New Zealand, yet he is to tired to play a players championships which could have got him in to the matchplay., while players like Ian White who has won 2 euro tours, reached many other finals and semi finals is disregarded.

Look at this weeks event, you have Gary Anderson, who cannot be arsed to do a single Euro tour event due to a sulk, pulled out of this years Premier League with another excuse and missed multiple players championships and done fuck all this year bar the meaningless world Cup, he gets a spot in the US Masters, and the likes of James Wade who won 4 PDC titles this year, is not invited to this World Series event,,,despite being the current holder of the World Series of Darts Final.  Yes I know its only a non ranking invitational, and that is all the more reason to reward the players who put in the effort all year round., those who have actually turned up and won events like Wade, White etc, instead of pandering to sulky and lazy cunts like Ando and Barney, who should not be rewarded for their laziness.

And lastly anyone surprised that Bellyboy Michael Smith lost another final ?
A great performance by Aspinall to win the event , who was left out of the events in Oz and New Zealand for Barney.