Friday, April 12, 2019

Remember this big announcement that the BDO were supposed to announce ?

Well months late they have finally made an announcement, and that is the BDO International and the Youth Festival event have both been cancelled.
This is their big announcement. You could not make this shit up. Seemingly they were not happy with the venues.  If that is not the most pathetic excuse for their own failings I don't know what is.
Meanwhile one of their "top players" and I use the term loosely Willem Mandigers has spoken out about the BDO on many issues, from prize funds, treatment of players and being forced to stay in certain places for Opens. What does he expect from this backward amateur organisation. There are only 2 ways to make money in darts, one is go to the PDC if you are talented enough, or 2, run the bdo where you can use the organisation to promote events where you stand to make personal gain from. Mandigers makes valid points in most of his complaint, but if he does not like it leave, anyone with a backbone, set of testicles or those with a winners mentality have already left.


The qualifiers for Euro Tour #5 and #6 took place today, and Glen Durrantlost in qualifier #5 this time to Jamie Hughes.That is now 25 different players he has lost to in PDC competitions, and should have been 26 as Aaron Monk missed darts to send him packing in euro qualifier #6.
For the record I have no problem with Glen Durrant himself, its his arse kissing fans who would have you believe the guy was world class are the fucking idiots. I don't ever recall Durrant calling himself the best in the World. He knows Lakeshite is mickey mouse in comparison to the PDC. He is just the new Bunting.
Speaking of the Euro tour, the qualification process is in my opinion very biased in favour of the UK players.
18 UK players get to qualify, while only 6 euro players qualify from their events.
When you consider Steve Beaton qualified for both upcoming euro tours by winning just 4 matches in total, yet Jeffrey De Zwaan had to win 6 matches to qualify for both events.
It could be argued the Euro qualifiers are tougher since you have to play on average an extra game.
The number of UK entrants should be dropped by at least 2 down to 16 and up the Euro qualifiers from 6 up to 8 at the least.


The entrants for the World Series events were released on Wednesday, and Wade only invited to one event. The fact that Wade gets just an invite to one is a disgrace, considering he is the actual World Series reigning Champion. Yet Shitlock who is in atrocious form gets 3 can that be fair ? The same Shitlock that jobbed in both Euro qualifiers today.
Mensur and Bellyboy get a single invite while Gurney gets 5 spots. Chizzy gets none.
Chris Mason was whining on twitter because a certain player was not invited. He did not care Chizzy was not invited, did not care former back to back world champion Adrian Lewis was not invited, he was moaning because world #73 Glen Durrant was not invited. Remember what I said about Durrant arse kissers being fucking idiots ? Why in the fuck would or should Durrant be invited ? Take off the blinkers Mason you deluded fool., we keep hearing how Durrant won a single floor what, so did Jonny Clayton last week, and he is higher ranked than Durrant, why isn't Mason whining over him ? Typical asskissing of an over rated ex lakeshite winner and a guy that has lost to 25 different players so far in PDC competitions, some of them more than once. I have no problem Mason complaining, but crying over Durrant when they are plenty more deserving players ahead of him in the queue left out is ridiculous.
The PDC yet again proving how they have their own clique and how certain players get preferential treatment. When the reigning champion gets an invite to just the one event but the out of form Peter Wright gets invited to all 5, then the PDC deserve a mention for the stupidity.
Gerwyn Price a multiple major gets invited to just one, while ex con cadby gets invited to 3 events.The same Cadby who lost in both Euro tour qualifiers earlier this afternoon. The PDC are rewarding failures in Shitlock and Cadby just based on the Nationality, while far superior players including the reigning champion gets scraps from the table, and others getting nothing at all.
Even Barney the undeserving cunt gets a spot , while countless others are left out, but that should come as no surprise as Barney has a history of taking spots that belong to players more deserving than him. I cannot wait for the head shaking prick to retire and be gone for good.
Mason's whining tweet


I see a so called "journalist" has taken a open dig at me and my comments when I honestly stated that I am not a journalist and my opinion is somehow like an asshole. This is true, we all have them but the issue for me is that this prick who is offended by my "disgusting language" who wrote a column on a blog called "Dartoids blog" forgets his ranting is just an opinion as well or perhaps this mutant thinks he too is a journalist. Unless he went to college and got a degree in journalism then he is just an opionated cunt like me, but I suspect this will be lost on the idiot.

Here is what the guy wrote

"One such individual, using disgustingly foul language, seems hell bent to Hana to slag everything and everyone to justify his miserable existence. “I don’t pretend to be a journalist, it’s just me giving my opinions, highlighting people’s hypocrisy, stupidly etc.” It’s understandable – ducking the journalist tag while shinning the light on his own shortcomings. In short, he writes about himself."

He must have led a very sheltered life when my words upset him so much  Seems he has moved to live in Thailand,and has a Darts in Thailand website. I wonder what brought a guy to Thailand ? Maybe he is doing some "missionary" work with the locals.
Here is a another home truth. There are countless blogs out there rimming the fuck out of players, guys acting like ass kissers thinking dart players are some sort of demi gods, and good luck to them, but to me all those sites are one and the same, this place is different, and that is what makes it unique, and if you don't like it, then fuck off and stop reading, no one is forcing you to keep coming back., but the reality is everyone keeps coming back, especially those who moan the most.


Years back when I posted on multiple dart forums I would advertise this blog which I do not need to do anymore seeing as my blog is growing as forums are dying.
Over time delicate little snowflakes upset with what I wrote on my own blog started demanding I be banned from forums for what I did on that one out.  Others demanded of moderators that links to this blog be removed despite my blog not breaking any laws. One such member is a cunt named Darren Hawken, who posted on The Darts forum under the name IOW Gooner, where he demanded I be banned or he would leave. He left in a sulk when he did not get his demands met at the time.
He also posted on the forum The Stars of Darts under the name BasGooner and continued his complaint about my advertised blog.
The moderators on there quick to jump to his demands would not allow this blog be advertised on there, despite over a dozen other members being allowed to post their own "personal" sites.
I was told my blog was "offensive" and had "swear words", and the moderators on there were obviously in fear my home truths would stop the sucking up to players on there like the proven and convicted criminals and ex cons of Chris Mason and Steve Maish so my blog was no longer allowed, while ex cons and other criminals were given preferential treatment.  Says it all when ex jailbirds are ok , criminal websites are ok, but a blog with swear words is forbidden.
Yet the site belonging to Darren Hawken was not only allowed be advertised, the mods even facilitated his criminal activity by not only letting him advertise it for YEARS and even encouraged the Admin even advised members to go to his site to purchase illegal content.
Here is a screencap of the forum admin openly telling people where to find lakeshite DVD's.

I am sure when their mods read this , said thread will be quickly deleted and all mentions of it in posts deleted by the dwarfs lackey, the creepy scottish cunt.
When I pointed out my blog was not breaking any law the mods said that it did not matter....what a shock.
I then proceeded to point out how the person who complained about my blog was  promoting his own illegal site with stolen material of Sky ITV, BT etc, and the mods yet again make allowances.
Well the law caught up with the prick this week who spent years ridiculing me and my blog while flaunting the law himself openly on social media and on TSoD with actual help from TSoD moderators.
Here is what appeared in the paper, and a screen shot of the idiot advertising his criminality.

The moderators on the site TSoD now trying to pretend this never happened. One moderator, the creepy looking Scottish cunt has spent the earlier part of the week deleting posts where mentions of that forums behavior defending that member and his criminality.
The Admin on there tried to spin  things as well but then the truth is something those moderators have always had an issue with.
Instead of the admin and moderators on The Stars of Darts admitting they were wrong and allowed a criminal to openly advertise his site which sold illegal DVD's they try make the criminal out to be the victim and those who may have reported the criminal is the bad guy. A person accused of "ratting him out" was slated while the criminal placed in the victim mode.
Only in the pathetic minds of these morons is the criminal the victim. The moderators on there were accessories to the criminal activity, and allowed it to continue for years despite numerous people pointing it out which they blatantly ignored.

Then ripping off other peoples work is not a new thing in Darts, remember how those in the BDO sold clothing using images of copyrighted stuff, from the movie Troy I believe it was, and those in the bdo verbally abused people who asked why they not only stole copyright material but were illegally selling it. No surprise that people on The Stars of Darts defended the BDO for their theft at the time as well. Criminality is something TSoD never seemed to have an issue with. Physical threats, accusations of pedophilia and other stuff was common place on there. I am sure on there they will deflect and try label me the cunt for pointing out the truth.

Multiple wallpapers of mine that I personally created were used by people in Darts without my permission and the selling of another persons work for profit is seen less as a crime in the darting world it seems.
In fact on another forum a total wankstain idiot even tried to claim it was a disgrace that Darren Hawken was charged as the PDC keep THEIR OWN FOOTAGE is some vault and people should have the right to buy illegal copyright material.
This is the level of mentality among some of the fucking dregs in darts. Its like if you play darts then the law does not apply to you. Morons.
There are lots of old matches I would love to see not available as far as I know on PDC TV, but if they were available on there, I would join PDC TV and view them there, buying illegal copyright stuff because you feel you have some god given right to see it is just beyond retarded.
I hope the authorities get Darren Hawkers list of customers as well, and there was many judging by comments across multiple forums if only to find out how much he made from his criminal enterprise.
As for those accused of ratting him out, it was hardly a surprise he got caught when he flaunted his site on The Stars of Darts for years, and possibly even longer on social media. It did not take a genius for someone to catch him.


And lastly, just to show mental illness is still thriving among mushrooms, check out deluded dicksplash