Friday, March 22, 2019
Keith Deller.
Here is a guy who took a two time World Champion in Adrian Lewis and whored him out doing exbos on fucking P+O Ferries in the North Sea. Lewis game went to fucking shit.
Why would a two time World Champion and back to back former champion at that need to take advice from a guy who won less than he did in his career ?
Regardless Lewis game went to shit. Last week I mentioned on a forum I post on that Lewis was done with Dellar, and even last Sunday I said it would be typical if Lewis went on to success in the Players Champs now he is done with Dellar, and sure enough Lewis did win the event.
The following day others ob twitter, and forums started mentioning the split between Dellar and Lewis, which led to Dellar making this statement on twitter...which has since been removed
"Having seen numerous tweets fuelled by fake journalism in particular by GameOn darts, I would like to point out Adrian Lewis is still under contract to Keith Deller Sports Management Ltd "
First off, Dellar knowingly lied, or else is thick as pig shit, either way he comes out looking like a fucking spastic.
These idiots "GameOn Darts" are as equally retarded, as they shit themselves and remove their tweets about Dellers and Lewis split, only for them to repost them again after Adrian Lewis states he is finished with Deller.
Unlike Deller I refuse to acknowledge GameOn as journalists, in fact I am sick to fucking death of every single cunt who takes to twitter, writes a blog or makes a post on facebook or whatever calling themselves a journalist. They have not gone to college to study Journalism, let alone got a degree in journalism, they are just giving their opinions, just like me, but act like they are something special.
There are far too many blogs and wannabe journalists out there kissing the holes of players, and treating them like heroes, and thats why this blog differs, and is more successful than most, because I dont sugarcoat shit, or act like a sycophant.
I dont pretend to be a journalist, its just me giving my opinions, highlighting people's hypocrisy, stupidy etc, and as the banner on the top of the page says, if you are easily offended , fuck off.
Every time I turn on a darts event, or read a forum there is some cunt spouting this "best in the world " line at some undeserving player.
We have Dan Dawson rimming the hole of Phantom of the Opera Glen Durrant, and countless mongoloid mushrooms on forums heralding how great the likes of Mark Webster, Jelle Klaasen and all the other Bob Potter cup winners were. Last night Wayne Mardle called Max Hopp the vastly over rated German jobber "World Class". Its getting ridiculous. When Barney is beating you with ease these days, its safe to assume he is a jobber. He did not even play in tonights Euro Tour either because he "forgot to enter".
Its bad enough we have Chris Mason who never won a major in his entire life giving "expert advice" on ITV, we have his equivalent in Wayne Mardle on Sky dispensing his horseshit giving his "expert advice". The only they they have expertise of is choking.
You have Wayne Mardle who never won a goddamn thing in his life bar Knob of the Week awards, trying to highlight the flaws of players who achieved more than he ever has.
As I said earlier, you had a 2 time World champion in Adrian Lewis listening to a one hit wonder in Deller. Lewis was winning World titles, he did not need the help of someone who was not as good as him to begin with, or am I the only one seeing this ?
ITV and Sky need to fuck out Mardle, Mason and all those who never won a major and replace them with people players that actually won something, at least their opinion would be valauble. That is why Bristow was superb on comms, he knew exactly what he was speaking about, did not bite his tongue and called it like it was.
Get Phil Taylor on the comms for a bit even, no matter how bad some think he is , he would be better than listening to cunts who won fuckall in their lives.
The last time the Greek Adrian Lewis lookalike John Michael entered a bdo comp , he won it,which was back in January in the Romanian Open which led to rivers of tears from players, officials and so called fans of the BDO, cries of how he was stealing those precious ranking points. TRhe poisonous dwarf prick Warty Montgomery one of the main whiners.
Well the Greek Open is coming up and John Michael was added to the entries, which again caused seething amongst the retarded mushrooms., this evening Johns name was suddenly removed from the entry list.
Since this event is not being streamed, the PDC does not object or block their players from playing in non streamed bdo events, so begs the question, why was he removed ?
I thought the BDO was "Darts for All" ?
Amazing how the little shits like Warty cry over the PDC players coming in and winning their comps and taking the money.
If Warty truly believes the BDO is just for BDO players, then by that logic the PDC should only be for PDC players and his principles should mean he refuse an entry to the Grand Slam.,...but he wont, and like all the other begging scum of the bdo like that bearded prick Martin Adams, their principles went out the window when they came begging cap in hand for Uncle Barrys coin in the past in the Grand Slam.
When you point out the hypocrisy to these cunts, they block you on twitter, as if that will somehow alter the truth.
One person on a forum tried to make the excuse, "the pdc players should not be allowed in bdo comps that carry ranking points", the GSoD is ranking and carries ranking points as in money,so why don't the bdo scum refuse the invites if their principles are that strong, because they are fucking money hungry hypocrites.
Amention toi Barney who was turfed out of the Euro's, , and a mention for MVG who lost to superchin, always enjoy those over rated fuckers losing.
anyhow on to this gem I spotted on twitter by one of my stalkers
This sums up the intelligence levels of the defective cunts white knighting the shit in the abysmal bdo.
Still no sign of this announcement either by the waiter on how the bdo are going to compete with the PDC.
I cannot wait to read it if it ever comes, it should be a right laugh.
They had a bdo /wdf event last weekend and it was so fucking bad I almost felt sorry for them.
Check out this pic of the final when the eventual winner made his walk on for the final, if this does not sum up the bdo I don't know what does, and some morons think the bdo are on the way back