Friday, May 8, 2020

Last Week Tommy the Jew won Knob of the Week, and I dont ever recall any winner bouncing back so quick to go on the offensive.
This week he released a statement, possibly his best one yet, where he completely owns Des Selecta, and finally says things i and plenty others have been saying for years. Des the cunt trying to blame covid for the failings of the BDO is hilarious although hardly surprising since everyone and everything will be blamed before he would ever take responsibility for his own failings.

Here is what Tommy wrote.....modified in photoshop for aesthetic reasons...
I cannot believe I am saying this but Tommy is spot on.....however lets not lose sight of the fact, who was it that backed Des to the hilt with support when Des the liar was doing all this....why it was the same Tommy the dinosaur now crying like a bitch, as if he has the best interest of the players at heart.

Tommy the Jew and Des the scumbag battling it out is like the Special Olympics, does not matter who wins, as whoever wins they are still a spastic.

Of course the lying cunt Des Selecta, could not keep quiet and with his inflated ego was compelled to reply. Look at how he ignored almost all Tommy's questions about the promises of events, venues, the O2 contract, the rigged draws etc. in his usual deflection tactics, to make out yet again he is the hounded victim. This cunt has zero self awareness. He then claims he is going to see a solicitor,...who is paying for all these solicitors ? I am sure the rank and file of the BDO will be delighted to know all their money or whats left of it is going to lawyers over 2 useless cunts having an internet argument, and fighting over a dead organisation.

I am going to skip any mention of illiteracy as I would be here all night correcting the dinosaur and the Liar. Then there was this beauty earlier in the week from the liar.
I laugh at how he keep mentioning the BDO belongs to "you"....whats left of it, but the real gem in his long winded illiterate rambling is how he keeps mentioning things like its"unforgivable" and "unacceptable" as well as "immoral".
It was immoral when you lied about the 10 year deal with the O2
It was unforgivable the way to raped the players of their payday at your mickey mouse world champs and reduced the prize fund.
It was unacceptable the way you rigged draws.
It was immoral to promote events in Torremolinos during the pandemic.
It it unacceptable people get no refunds....
It was immoral you made players sign a contract and then ripped them off by breaking the contracts...but no, blame others for all your lies, cheating, deceiving etc., maybe claim to be seeing a solicitor cos its "liable".


I watched the recent interview with Corey Cadby on Phil Barrs youtube channel, and whilst it was great it had all the usual shit you come to expect from a criminal scumbag, it had the lies and claims of growing up , redemption and all the other nonsense that scum profess to try hoodwink people. You see, in darts this is a very common thing sadly, how many times have we heard Corey has become a father, turned over a new leaf etc....more chance he will be turning over someones house the criminal cunt.
Corey claimed he knew he hit rock bottom when he could not afford cigarettes, what utter bullshit. I know plenty people who struggle with major financial problems and scrape by week to week but they don't go accusing people of things like Corey did because they need a smoke. Its a shit excuse, and to act like he did, has nothing to do with money or lack of it, but down to his mindset and the type of cunt he is.
Who knows maybe he will be the exception in darts who might learn from his lesson and get his life in order, but I doubt it as leopards don't change their spots,You only have to look at the scumbags and ex cons in darts who love acting the hardman to see some people will never change, some of them are in their 50s.  Its bad enough when immature cunts in their youth like Cadby are acting like that but when they are in their fifties and still carrying on like that they are to be pitied.
Here is a typical example of someone over 50 who will never learn and still thinks he is 20 year old streetfighter. Saw this on twitter this week.

It looks like Scooty eyed Jenkins got yet another slap, you think with all these slaps he has got over the years, he would have got his act together, if he was getting beat up in his younger years, he is going to come off even worse now he is in his 50s. Before any cunt gets offended by what I write and threatens to give me a slap if they even see me, just remember you are only reinforcing my point...

Speaking of stupid people, checkout this

Maybe someone should enlighten him to the fact the BDO and WDF don't not organize either event. If you are going to complain, at least get what you are complaining about right.

As for the online dart comps going on, still have not watched a single match in the PDC shit, not sure if the Retirement Darts League has kicked off again either, and dont care presently, and all I heard from the modus one is that Fallon Sheerluck has played the giggling prostate hole 4 times and won them all.

So remember everyone , that Covid 19 is the reason for the BDO being in the shit. Somehow this is respisble for Des losing almost 700k in his tenure.
Why events last year and the years before were almost deserted, fuckall tickets been sold, it was all because of Covid.

fucking Priceless .

I also turned off spellcheck on my blog as I want to give some people the excuse to defend Des the liar by saying I made typos too, and that makes everything ok