Saturday, July 27, 2024



I was watching the latest season of Grace starring John Sim who plays a copper, and in the show a skeleton was found and the police pathologist came out and told the cop the body was that of a middle aged man. The pathologist did not give a shiny shit about how people identify, her job was based on anatomy. You cannot alter the rules of biology, no cunt putting on lipstick,, a bra or taking hormones etc can alter what you are, regardless of loudmouthed opinionated woke cunts who think shouting their agenda can change the most basic concept.
This week the spineless cunt Twat Porter allowed a biological man to compete in a woman's event yet again.I have no problem with the bloke calling himself Noa playing Modus, PDC Challenge tour etc as it is open to both genders, he can identify as a woman , a cat or a fucking ford granada for all I care, but he is not a woman, that is a biological fact and should not be allowed in women's events, the clue is in the name of the Womens World Matchplay.
We all know he is a bloke, yet PDC constantly refer to him as she,they wont address him as "He"  because the likes of Twat Porter is scared of upsetting woke cunts. Twat porter who lacks a set of balls, pandering to a bloke that has a set of balls but wish he didn't. You could not make this shit up.

It was not my only complaint with certain players playing in PDC events this week. Friday saw the latest round of the development tour, a tour for the develpment of younger players, again the clue is in the name. The Development tour is suppose to ...wait for it, develop younger players, and the reward is the top 2 get tour cards, a fine concept, except Porter has allowed tour card holders in it.
As it stands the top 2 players already have tourcards, in fact  the top 4 players already have tour cards, how can this be right. These tour card holders have their own tour to play in...yet again the clue is in the name.
I know some simple minded genetic defect with an imbalance of chromosomes will cry that those tour card holders are not making enough on the tour and the development tour helps them financially but the tour was not designed for them. If those tour card holders are not good enough to make a living with a tour card, perhaps they should find an alternative way of making an income or get a different job.

Right at the top of the development tour is Wessel Nijman, a corrupt cheating match fixing prick who was once suspended. Personally I believe he should have got a lifetime ban, is this is the poster child for the Dev tour ? A corrupt match fixer  who already has a tour card battering the younger players and costing those without a tour card money ? How can anyone look at the tour and think this is right.

Tour card holder have their own tour, they should stick to that and let those kids without a card have their own tour and compete for all the prize money instead of the tour card holders coming in and sucking up the top money supplementing their income.


Meanwhile in Modus, Tony O Shea, one of the biggest chokers in the history of the game was invited, and the bookies had him as the complete outsider. Comms then told us it was because he was not playing well lately, so it begs the question why was he invited ?
There are far better player ignored, others have to qualify, but the old boys network seem to get preferential treatment. Do modus genuinely think this washed up and bloated choker will attract viewers
Then as usual in their clickbait bullshit they  asked can Fallon Sherrock make finals night ? They put the girl in the easiest group possible of only 5 players where 3 qualify and in a group with O Shea, and when she scraped through in 3rd place on fucking leg difference the comms would have you believe she did something miraculous. In fact she only finished above bottom place on leg difference., and for all those who cry and moan, this is not opinion but fact.Then after the games were over, did they interview the group winner ? Of course not, they interviewed Pinocchio who finished third, no agenda there I guess either.
I know darts is a pub game, and many players are thick as pig shit, and fans also, but comms in modus and the PDC think everyone who watches the game is thick as pig shit, and forget any person with even a modicum of intelligence people see through this bullshit.



The sweaty ex postman was again this week making excuses , this time for his matchplay performance claiming he lost his bag with his darts in it. Any wonder he is no longer a postman when looking after a bag is too much for him. So if losing his darts was his excuse for faring badly at the matchplay, what is his excuse for not winning a PDC ranking major in 17 ,,,that is not a typo...seventeen years.

We all know he is only back playing because he thought he could make money on the exbo tour with Taylor, but covid put an end to that, and with a new wife needing money he was forced to whore himself out on the tour be in the whipping boy to far superior players., and hoping to make some money to keep the new wife happy.



Last for all the morons out there who cry that darts is not in the Olympics,  darts is not a sport globally regardless of what the UK goverment tell you, the same government that tells you to welcome unvetted immigrants in your country, tell you a man in a bra must be considered a woman if he simply claims to be one and will try charge you with hate crime shit should you dare speak out.

Darts has to have a world governing body , but no olympic committee is going to acknowledge the WDF who think Jersey and catalonia are countries. Why should the International Olympic committee do the WDF any favours when the  same WDF who banned Russian players from their events despite being told by very same IOC that Russian players should have been allowed participate.  The WDF just ignored the IOC, so why should anyone be surprised the IOC do not care for the WDF

But people are too ignorant to be aware of this. People already know the many reasons why darts is not a sport anyway. Answer me this, name

A"sport" where a person with a drink problem on crutches can get within a set of reaching a world final.

A sport where members have to be personally emailed about sneaking drink in to venues.

A sport where the most successful layer as winning world titles in his 50s

A so called sport that has seen  multiple top players drink themselves to death,....Andy Fordham, Jocky Wilson, alan Evans... 

The IOC also insist on sports being regulated by anti doping orgs. How many players are pissed on stage ? How many take drugs, and been fined or suspended over it ?

But hey....some idiots wants it in the olympics......





Saturday, July 20, 2024



I was going to award myself Knob of the Week for the criticism I gave Wade since he made the claim at the start of the year that he would be back in the top ten by the end of it, whilst he kept sliding down the ranking, I like many others wrote him off and happy to see I might be proven wrong, as he is now back up to #18, and a semi final win would take him to #14 and he only defends a first round loss in the Grand Prix, instead I am awarding it to Mardle who even by his abysmally low standards was utterly inept.
It was not solely because he picked Littler over MvG nor was it him picking Krusty over Gilding, but it was moronic statement after moronic statement.
He lectured viewers this week on what it takes to be a winner, how in the blue fuck would that jobber cunt know ? The imbecile has a trophy cabinet more barren than Dave Chisnall. I could understand John Part who looks like Bricktop's gay brother giving advice as he won proper majors, but Mardle ? Thursday night prior to the quarters he made the claim Wade is not a heavy scorer and does not hit enough 180s , and his scoring would not compete with Ross Smith, not only did Wade outscore Smudger, and win, he hit more maximums that night than anyone else, including Smudger, Humphries and Dimitri.
Prior to the Wade Smudger match he spent more time yapping about the second game which only reinforces my point how Wade and smudger most definitely are not in Twats porter clique.
Before the Aspinall Wade game we were told Aspinall was injured, despite him winning his previous game, Aspinall himself said he was fine, feeling ok, and did not need strapping, so forgive me if I take the word of Aspinall over Mardle who then said Aspinall was the underdog...yes the same Aspinall who was the seeded player, the world #5 and the reigning Matchplay champion , where as Wade was the then world #22, who barely got in to the Matchplay until the final event. When Wade went 4-1 Mardle went on and on about Asp being injured, when Aspinall came back and lead, gone was the injury and replaced with nonsense how he was a "fighter".

Mardle was not alone in being ignorant on the comms, the useless bint only hired because of tokenism told us Krusty was the first seed to go out, completely ignorant to the fact Noppert lost to Wade and was the first seed to go, guess that must have just slipped her vacant mind.

Then there was the love in for Bunting, I do not get it, what is the attraction ? Not only is he a mumbler, obese, but a scouse lover , I simply do not get it, but we all know he is in the Twat porter clique. Remember when the head shaking postman was hugging the fat fuck and demanding he be in the Premier League and then got invited. When Bunting played Joyce, Bunting got a promo, but Joyce did not...why ?


Then there is Smudger, another player certainly not in Porter's little clique, who like Wade gets shoved on evening sessions, gets less interviews and promos, who was superb against Rock and Price, remember how he won a European championships and it was not enough for the Premier League selection, but amazingly the following year when Krusty won, it was then important....go figure.
We all know comms have been abysmal for a long time, so much  so I even miss Rod Harrington who at the time seemed dull but compared to Mardle  he was superb. The frightening part is comms are getting worse, and the bias toward a select group of players, which by no coincidence seems to be the same players that get all the preferential treatment when it comes to PL and world Series selection. James Wade tried to allude to this in an interview following his win over Noppert, and it was evident what he meant to anyone who has not got pissed on Twat Porters kool-aid.
Rob Cross and Gian van Veen was the game of the first round but comms rarely mentioned it afterwards, but Cross is not in the clique either, he is another player like smudger who won a European Championships but never got a PL call up. Comms would rather harp on about a single leg like Babs 9 darter than a entire good game, then Babs is in their little clique, the plus side of him winning was it pushed Krusty down to world #12 at the time. Cross's game in round was possibly the best match of the round, again, but comms did not give him the same treatment as they give their favourites, then like Smudger, he too won a European Championship and was not picked for the PL a few months later....anyone sensing a pattern yet ?
I generally have no issue with players in the clique, but with the PDC and their favouritism and selection for the Premier League, and this is another of many reasons why the Premier League is not a major, along with it being rightfully non ranking and invitational.

Now that Krusty went out early, what are the odds because the potbellied Englishman and wannabe Scot sells merch he will be back in next years PL despite finishing bottom for the last 2 years. I can picture it now, Twat Porter giving him an invite, calling it his retirement tour or other such nonsense just like they did for Barney when that sweaty miserable cunt was getting undeserved invite after invite.

The Grand Prix which wont be long until that is upon will see Aspinall defending 60k for his runners up spot, and Wright defending a semi final and 40k. It does not look good for either with Aspinall "injured" and Wright throwing dog shit. Price defends 40k and hunchback defending 120k and it looks like no one is bothering Humphries and the top spot for a long while yet.
Aspinall also defends a runners up spot in the slam.He wont be world #5 much longer. The changing of the guard, will see the likes of Cross reclaim lost ground, Smudger making giant strides, hopefully Wade get back in the top 10. I see Dirk, Noppert, Cullen and possibly Dimitri all dropping soon after they all had their solitary "premier event" win and did fuck all else.

Friday night action was the first night I missed, as i had no interest in watching MvG dumping out Gilding, but seems Cross was shocking on his doubles.

So there are 4 players left, the world #1. #2. #3 and #18. I think Humphries wins it, beating Bellyboy in the final.


We sadly now live in a world where entitled little young cunts think if they shout long enough and hard enough the simple thing of the truth does not matter anymore. I saw a report of a professor in the USA being called a racist for daring to correct the grammar of a black student, another of a doctor accused of fat shaming because he told an obese patient to lose weight. If you point out the simple truth of biology to a man in a dress you get called transphobic. Luke littler was a child when his girlfriend was an adult, surely if equality exists should she not be classed as a pedo, if the roles were reversed there would be outcry. But alas, Luke is single again, after all he has all the physical qualities any lady looks for in a partner, Short, Fat, a receding hairline, a smoker, lives on fast food, does not get up til the crack of noon and prime candidate for an early banger.......oh wait, scrap that he got a decent bank balance, I am sure the gold diggers will be on him like flies on shit. Maybe Barney's missus might have a friend.
It may explain Littler's recent poor performances in the recent players championships, and strop over losing to MvG in the Matchplay.
Seems Littler broke up with her because all his traveling would not be good for the relationship, of course if he did love her he could afford to bring her with him, look how Krusty cannot even cross the road for a burger and his wife is with him.

Friday, July 12, 2024


Modus gets the award this week for yet another week of their clickbait shit and absolute ignorance. We were told there was back to back 9 darters during the week, except that was obviously not true, as it was one in each game. But why let the truth get in the way of them and their lies.

Then to compound their arrogance and ignorance they choose the following morning to interview Robert Thornton, and ask him about the amazing 2  nine darters in one day. The same Robert Thornton who was part of a game in the PDC where he and James Wade not only had 2 nine darters in a single game of theirs, but did 9 darters with a double start and bull finish and the defective gimpy maggot cunt Joey Deacon could not even acknowledge it.That was either deliberate which shows what a defective cunt he is, or he simply has the memory of a goldfish when he interviewed "Wobert Tawnton" as he calls him with his speech impediment and inability to pronounced the most basic letters of the alphabet.I cannot wait until "Wobbie Gween wocks up to play". Paul Hogan played this week and unlike Deacon he could pronounce the words, even if it took an age to get them out of his mouth.
Lets be honest when washed up players, failed q-schoolers, county jobbers and the likes of Lee Cocks are hitting 9  darters they are not that important or special. They never were, they are so prolific now  it takes one of significant difference to even interest me. Look at the reaction of James Wade for example when he hit one against Bunting in the World Championships, not a single fuck given.I prefer a good game than one good leg followed by a load of dross. Modus did not hype the legs that went over 21 darts did they ?
Last week they called the tattooed man in a bra wearing lipstick a "superstar". How fucking deluded are these people, not even the elite in the PDC are superstars, this week they trotted out the same "Superstar" clickbait for the player I presume was Jordan Matthews. Its beyond ridiculous now. In one leg Matthews hit 2 treble 20 and when the third landed in the bed all 3 fell out, and in his next visit hit another max and 2 fell out.....and still won the leg in 23 darts.
The " Superstar" had averages of 74, 71, 70, 67, 71, 80, 67and 69 and finished bottom of the table ...guess Superstar must have a different meaning in grim Portsmouth. No one in the entire line up was or ever will be a superstar.

I think Modus serves a purpose, its organized,and at times I really enjoy it, even if Nicholson, Mitchell, Murphy and Deacon are abysmal, they make Thunder Thighs turner almost palatable, and Glen Durrant is probably their best on the comms. but the hyperbole, bullshit, and following clickbait is off the hook, and like the PDC unfortunately they too are no strangers for favouritism, inviting the same people back time and time again whilst better players who did more in the past are forced to go through qualifiers.
For example Lee Cocks I read had 11 previous appearances and failed every single time to reach the Saturday night, and only won group A after Thornton and others blew match winning darts against him multiple times. It was not that cocks was solid throughout but he choked the least.

Maybe if the idiot running their twitter site was as quick to work on their own official website, maybe, just maybe it would not have the layout from last year still there as they still have Klaasen on the front page winning an event from over a year ago as "latest news"....fucking clowns



Gerwyn Price v Daryl Gurney - Anything other than a Price win would and should be considered an upset
Jonny Clayton v Raymond van Barneveld- I saw Phil Taylor picked Holland's most miserable cunt to win, but think Clayton should have enough.
Luke Humphries v Ricardo Pietreczko - No fear of an upset, hope the arrogant teutonic prick gets tore a new one
Nathan Aspinall v Luke Woodhouse - If there is going to be a shock on opening night I think it could be this one, should be close.

Ross Smith v Josh Rock - This is another tasty tie that is tough to call, Smudger has won a PC lately and Rock did well at the world Cup.
Danny Noppert v James Wade - Noppert has already dropped 4 places in the rankings and needs the win as much as Wade, fancy this to be very close.
Dimitri Van den Bergh v Martin Schindler- Would love to se the German spacehopper win this but Babs should prove too strong
Stephen Bunting v Ryan Joyce - Joyce is shit on TV and cannot see his TV appearances improving

Rob Cross v Gian van Veen - Gian is a fast player and Cross has a slow pace which should disrupt Gian
Joe Cullen v Brendan Dolan - As poor as Cullen has been lately, he should have more than enough for Dolan
Peter Wright v Andrew Gilding - 2 out of form boring players and as boring as this might be, still expect Wright to come through easily
Dave Chisnall v Krzysztof Ratajski - The polaks name in scrabble is a higher number than Chizzy's IQ and even though he is a TV choker, I think Chizzy wins this easily enough

Damon Heta v Ryan Searle - The scruffy cheating window cleaner is erratic and if he plays his A-game, he is well capable of dumping out Cabbage
Michael Smith v Gary Anderson - another 50/50 game but think Ando might sneak it,
Michael van Gerwen v Luke Littler - Think the ugly fat cunt will win this....oh wait...the younger ugly fat cunt.
Chris Dobey v Ritchie Edhouse - I like both players and Dobey should win but heart prefers Edhouse won, he has been having a great few months.

As for the time schedule changes, England can fuck off, without doubt the most boring team in the history of the game

Not only did they get the easiest group and draws, but were even lucky to win them with the aid of a corrupt ref, spot kicks, a cheating spurs prick who acted like his foot had been amputated but was perfectly ok seconds later to take the unwarranted penalty
Yes I know there are decent English people who can see the reality the rest of the world sees but sadly you have those inbred pleb scum that support that shower of cheating cunts singing shit like "its coming home", there are grandad and grandmothers alive today who were not even fucking born when England last and only time took a trophy back "home".

Add in said scum acting like maggots, causing trouble is it a wonder the decent English people feel ashamed of their own fans, their boring team, their delusional media, and the attempted brainwashing agenda.
I never had an issue with the England team over the last number of decades but even I and many former neutral fans are sick of the sight of them and their scumbag fans, poxy draws, and blatant luck and ref decisions

I will sooner watch an Englishman who pretends to be Scottish , dressed up like a fucking clown, with a belly inflated from fast food and drink whilst pretending he is a vegetarian, taking on a guy who looks like Selwyn Froggatt and has teeth like a burnt fence who still has his mother polishing his doc martins. 2 out of form players, which we know will be slow as fuck and still more exciting than any England match. If the session does end before the England game which is what the PDC hope I still wont be arsed watching it unless its on in the pub which is unlikely in my local.

Nice of Twat Porter to allow England jerseys to be worn by simpletons in the crowd, be interesting if a lad in a Spanish jersey rocks up.


Another weekend of this also,2 events on the Saturday, one starting at around 4 o clock our time and the second event late on the Saturday.always worth a watch .

Thomas Seyler the German player who played in a number of PDC World Championships, a World Cup and some Euro tours died at the age of only 49 on Thursday after some illness after being in hospital for under 2 week. R.I.P. 







Saturday, July 6, 2024



The award goes to the scumbag Adam Smith Neal for an incident a while back where he assaulted a player who had the audacity to beat him in a game of darts. the wannabe hardman almost shit himself when another lad came to the victims rescue. What do you expect from a prick who is friends with the Selectas. Prick got himself an 8 MONTH BAN

I have read numerous reports and posts across social media how he allegedly has a habit of begging people for money, and not paying it back , with no income from darts or any DRA sanctioned event his begging will probably go into overdrive

Main highlights for me were
Smudger winning obviously, even coming from 5-2 down in his opening game.
Fattler averaging 79 getting thumped round one by a nobody...just like Shitlock who lost first round with a 79 average. Hippo Barrs was very upset with Fattler getting dumped out crying how "shit outlets on social media" would promote it, whilst lacking the awareness to not realize his own outlet is pretty shit, He then said Littler would do well the next day, which shows what he knows.
Wade dumping out Holland's most depressing cunt, seeing him lose is always a joy.
Wade coming from 5-1 down to beat Stutters
Comms rimming the hole of fat Bunting who averaged 103, and the obese scouse loving git still lost to MvG the hunchbacks twin brother Wesley Plaiser
Egomaniac and fat cunt Bellyboy crashes back to Earth after the World Cup losing to the faggot looking cheating bastard Nijman
Krusty losing....only because Nick Kenny must have been wearing his "lucky watch"...that story will never get old
Dancing Babs beaten by another player who looks just as ridiculous sporting a fucking mullet
3 of the 4 semi finalists were not even tour card holders


Going in to PC#14, nothing less than a couple of wins would help Doets and he fell at the first hurdle, whilst Wade won first round, leaving realistically at the time seemingly only Dirk that could catch him with a run to the business end. With Gilding losing it also gave Wade the chance to possibly overtake Gilding were he to continue his run. Dirk then went out first round and Wade appeared more or less was assured of his spot in the Matchplay before the first round was even over, Rydz or De Decker would need to reach the final and hope Wade went out quickly.
Littler survived match darts against Ricky Evans to avoid consecutive first round defeats. Cullen's dismal run continued when he lost first round as did seeds Gary Anderson, Danny Noppert, Chris Dobey, Dimitri van den Bergh and Gian van Veen.
Big Boris who had an impressive world Cup took Wade to a last leg decider with Wade missing double 12 for the 9 darter, but Wade in the final leg started with 2 maximums and took the win and was one win away from overtaking Gilding. Round 2 saw Smudger, Barney,Littler, Wright,and Bunting all exited.
Wade must have thought he was safe as he played dire against Usher and was soon 5-2 down, whilst Menzies who could possibly catch him with a comp win beat Bellyboy. Wade took it to a last leg but Usher hit a fabulous 10 darter for the win to keep Wade unconfirmed, luckily for him Rydz also went out in the last 32.Only a Menzies comp win or Clemens comp win on countback would kill Wade and no chance of that happening right ?
Clemens went out next but Menzies kept winning, he ran in to Luke Humphries who had a poor deciding leg and Cammy kept going, he had Heta next and was 5-0 up against Heta in the last 8, if Wade was not sweating, he should have been, Heta got 3 legs on the trot, but Menzies saw it out for the win and 2 wins away from the Matchplay
Plaiser continued his great run dumping out Monk, Beaton, Price, Vandenbogaerde and Usher and was in to the semis yet again where he would play Ryan Joyce who won his last game with an 111 average. Menzies would face Clayton who beat Schindler.
The story of the day came to an end as Clayton beat Menzies and killed his hopes, and stopped me awarding Wade Knob of the Week for the simple reason had Wade missed out he would have no one to blame but himself. I get it Wade is not the player he was but when you make comments like he did earlier in the year that he "will be back in the top 10 at the end of the year" and you end up going the opposite direction and had to depend on other players in order to get in to the matchplay, it makes said comments look ridiculous. So I was then going to award it to Doets who blew it when he started the final 2 comps in the last qualifying spot but scumbag Adam Smith Neale made sure he won it


Of course as soon as the fat vaping, kebab munching lazy git drew the grotesquely looking Hunchback MvG in the Matchplay, the PDC could not promote it enough, and just maybe if the 2 had not already played each other 8 times already this year in the meaningless non ranking Premier League it might be considered more mouth watering.

Roll on the Matchplay


I see Neil Duff was given his 4327th invite for modus again this week, and Noel Lynn also got an invite.I have no problem with the biologic male who thinks he is a woman playing in any event that is open or both male and female,likewise be it the challenge tour etc but I do have a problem when the tattooed man in a bra is participating in an event like the Womens Matchplay which it is clearly for Women of which he is not one, the clue is in the name. Contrary to the opinions of brainwashed simpletons who will believe anything they are told and who lack the most basic knowledge or the ability to question anything he is a man that is a biological fact that no wokeness, lefty bullshit, warped agenda, or virtue signalling can alter, it is then when that becomes an issue.






Saturday, June 29, 2024



Another week and another non ranking pdc weekend exhibition, its like it is week after week of this bullshit, from the Premier League, to the US, Nordic and Polish Master. Admittedly the World Cup from a spectator viewpoint has more interest to me than any other non ranking event and not because of any national identity bullshit, but from how the dynamics of the players and how they gel together.
be it rivalry or past animosity between them like Belgium  or teams where you have an experienced player weighed down with jobber who will either cost hm badly of step up for the occasion. But in the end even winning this means nothing, even the PDC who cite other non ranking events like the Masters as  "Premier Event" do not count a World Cup winner as a premier event winner. When the organisation running the event care so little for it, why should anyone else ?
The faster the Matchplay, Grand Prix etc get going in the business end of the year the better. The PDC calendar is a joke, if you exclude the UK open the first six months of the year are a complete disaster. I get it the Players championships and European champs can only be held after those said events are concluded, but perhaps organize the Slam so that all the winners of one calendar year play in the slam at the conclusion of year along with those that qualify via finals etc from the year previous and the event takes place the following February.
Something needs to be done, where you have 6 months of meaningless shit, bar the UK Open but you can have 2 ranking televised events  5 days apart in November with the Grand Slam and Players championships finals, and the worlds starts just a month later. By having so many ranked events that close, it devalues them, The whole PDC schedule needs an over haul.

Last week the PDC sent out an email for feedback on the Premier League, and unusually I decided to take their stupid survey, and the very first question was if I watched it on TV, which I did not as I do not have sky sports, and as I have said numerous times in the past will never again pay for it. I did catch opening and closing night and the odd night in between. I ticked the box I did not watch it on tv and the survey ended as it seems it is only interested in those that actually watched, so here is the retarded logic in this.
Surely the PDC is a business, and as a business it would be imperative for them to grow said business by attracting new customers and viewers right ? After all those who are already watching will watch any shit, and the PDC already have those people, so would it not be incumbent upon them to find out why those people on their email list did not watch it ?
Or at the very minimum in their survey find out why not, what was their reason for not tuning in, or ask what improvement of changes could be made in order for you to want to watch. They are catering solely to the people they already know will watch anything, surely the PDC would want more viewers ?

The PDC has been a breath of fresh air to the game and the do so much good for the game, but that certainly does not mean everything they do is great, far from it, from giving too much control to the DRA Nazi Party, countless worthless non ranking exbos, favouritism to certain players over more deserving players, tournament calendar etc all needs to be called out.Lastly on the world Cup, Sky had the logo fo "Kick it out" on the screen throughout the night. This is just retarded. Firstly if you are not a racist, why do you need that blatant tokenism since it does not apply to you, and if you a racist, that logo wont suddenly make you realize it is wrong and cease being one. It serves no other purpose but to virtue signal.

As for the games, good to see Italy, Taiwan and the lesser countries get the upsets

Saturday, June 22, 2024



Some 6 nation crap started Friday, and former "World Champions " Neil Duff and Scott Mitchell could not even make it past the last 32 in the singles event. To think there are people out there who are allowed vote, drive, and even spawn offspring if they ever could get a woman genuinely believed those useless cunts were World champions. I have zero interest in this meaningless bullshit, its like the BDO shit all over again.
The main news was Deta Hedman pulling out of the event rather than face the bloke pretending he is a woman.I admire her stance and how she stands by her principles. On a brighter note in recent "sporting news" the bloke  Will Thomas who is a swimmer and was ranked outside the worlds top 500 before he decided he was a woman and suddenly whilst pretending to be a woman broke multiple records for "females" whilst competing against them, lost his appeal to be in the olympics lets hope other sports start banning these mentally ill cunts who take advantage of genuine biological women. Lets hope it happens in games such as darts too as darts is not a sport.

That said whilst I admire Deta for voicing her opinion against Men in Womens competitions and taking a stance, it now goes against what she previously stated in the past, only 6 weeks ago she posted this on twitter


This weeks winner of Knob of the Week goes to the only person in the women's event that was born with an actual knob. A mentally ill biological male, who wants people to think he is female whilst alienating real biological  women.I  am sick of hearing how women are suppose to have female solidarity when only Deta, Anca, and De Graaf showed any sort of having said solidarity in the past.


With the Matchplay looming and players battling for the available places, James Wade got yet another horrible first round draw, this time against former world champion Bellyboy. He had some terrible draws in the euro tours as opposed to those challenging him for a spot in the Matchplay, who got drawn against jobbers and home nation qualifiers, even Rydz who looks like a complete retard with that atrocious combover got a bye first round after uber-jobber Nico Kurz withdrew, Doets got a win over another complete jobber named Nico. Wade took out some great finishes, but ultimately with 82 left for the win he went the treble 14 route and only ended up with a shot at the bull, which he took out in an earlier leg and obviously never learned from ,as he got lucky that time, you would think a player who loves top would have went bull first as the 25 would have left him 17 for tops but the truth is Wade had an advantage in all the euro tours so far, over most of those challenging him, as he was an automatic entry and therefore if he fails to reach the matchplay, bad draw or not, the failure lies with himself.
He is ranked #22 in the world, but he does not deserve to be in the 32 players of the matchplay as he is not in the current best 32, and should Doets win later, he is out of the Matchplay spot


I gave this weeks Modus on Monday to Wednesday Group A a watch in th evenings and must admit it was the best group A I have seen from them, with mutiple averages over a ton, a couple over 110 even, but of course Modus just could not help themselves and continue to spout the most inane bullshit possible. In one match Gilbert Van Der Meijden on 150 went for 3 bulls, and hit the first 2 and missed the third. Modus on their twitter account actually said "SO CLOSE TO THE CHECKOUT OF THE DECADE!". Even if Gilbert had even hit the 3 bulls, it was hyperbole at its most ridiculous. Do these absolute braindead fuckwits think anyone that watches their product are not aware of Simon Whitlock actually completing it, and doing so not only on PDC tv but in a venue with a huge crowd. and an actual fucking ranking event ?
Andreas Harryson went 180, 177, and left 150 in one leg and went for 3 bulls, hitting the first bull. That would have been a fantastic 9 darter had he completed it, but the most crazy attempt for a 9 darter I have seen recently was the Russian player Evgeniy Izotov who went 180, 180, and needing 141 got treble 19 to leave 84, The went double 17 to leave the bull
9 Dart attempt


This also took place on Friday, as well as the PDC Euro tour, the WDF shit and Modus. The first event was won by the Honey monster Beau Greaves and glad she won it instead of people like Keane Barry or other tour ca holders who play in this. Fuck the tour card holders, the likes of Barry already has a tour to play on without double dipping.
The top 3 in the development tour all are tour card holders, that ain't fair or right on the other non tour cad players trying to gain experience, money and a possible tourcard themselves.

Saturday, June 15, 2024



We were away for most of the week only returning this morning, so I did not see a single dart thrown this week, only using darts connect for the Players championships earlier in the week

With the matchplay looming this weeks Knob of the Week goes to Andrew Gilding for the simple reason of all those battling it out for a matchplay spot, where Gilding was in the second last spot, he fared the worst. His lead over Wade in the last qualifying spot, plus lead over others was greatly reduced.Gilding only won a single game over the 2 days of players championships. Gilding sill clings on to the second from last spot but his advantage greatly reduced, James Wade and Kevin Doets both reached the last 8 in players champs #11. Dirk van Duijvenbode made it to the semis. Had Wade not made it to the last 8 himself he could have been this weeks winner as  went out first round in event 12, as did Gilding Doets and Dirk.

To be honest Gilding is vastly out of form and even though I like him as a player the Matchplay would be better without him. Luckily for him he has the euro tours as back up, which like Wade gives them an unfair advantage over the lesser layers vying for the Matchplay spot like Doets for example who has been in far better form and having to go through euro tour qualifiers

This morning I saw the results from the latest non ranking glorified exbo, this time from Poland. Well done to big Boris but I could not give two flying fucks about the event, I have zero  interest in watching any highlights either. After months of the same Premier League shit week in week out, we get the yank exbo, a Nordic fiasco and now this Polish shit following., so this is why the Matchplay is an event I am looking forward to, an actual proper ranking major.

As I type this the latest Munter and Tranny Series is going on ,

Pinocchio got whitewashed by the alco bulldyke Trina Gulliver in the last 16, and with no Noel Lynne rocking up in a bra annoying real biological women, even if most are visually repulsive, one of those upset the most by the biological male passing himself off as a "woman" was rug muncher Aileen de Graaf  who reached the last 8.

The final is Greaves against Suzuki and is currently 4-4. you have to admire a Japanese player getting that far when you consider they appear as if they only open their eyes 40%.

Anyhow  I am sure I have made enough comments to upset the usual people who cry endlessly about me but complain if my blog is late.

Let the crying commence how I must be a transphobe for believing in things like biology. Or mocking fat people who allowed themselves to get in that condition by their ow laziness and will be a upcoming burden on an already burdened health system or will mentioning how obese people having a short life expectancy  also be ignored like biology is ?

Still I am sure some can cry racism, After all it always makes me laugh when I see white people getting  "offended" on behalf of  Asians or black people  and they not realize what they are doing is the very essence of racism itself, when they think they can speak on behalf of others, who are more than capable of defending themselves.