Is there any end to Wayne Mardle's stupidity ?
Before I speak about his idiotic opinions lets look at some undisputed facts, the guy is an over rated jobber, who has never in his long entire miserable career ever won a single ranking major.
At this point some moron who have bought the bullshit Mardle spews will defend him by claiming he got to the semi finals of ranking majors. So what ? Denis Ovens made multiple semi finals on TV in ranking events.I don't see him on tv giving his "expert opinion".
To put things in perspective the following players have all won what the PDC consider a "Premier Event", Larry Butler, Roland Scholten, Colin Osbourne, Andrew Gilding, Danny Noppert, Mensur Suljovic, Peter Evison, Kevin Painter and multiple others,,,,even Scott Waites won more in a week in the PDC whilst he was still a bdo player, than what the ignorant cunt Mardle did in his entire career in the PDC.
This is the guy who actually has the audacity to lecture viewers during the Premier league on what it takes to be a winner at the top level. How would he know ? What experience is he speaking from, he is a loser.
Luke Littler has a better CV than Mardle has, and Littler has only just arrived on the scene in the PDC in the last year and a bit.
This week he yet again showed his complete ignorance when he said in an interview about other players not getting the same hype as Littler
"The others are gaining off the back of it! They need to realise that their pockets are being filled off the back of Luke Littler, and, trust me, they are".
If this does not show the absolute ignorance of this clown nothing will. What is the basis for this outlandish claim ? is there any proof to validate this claim ? Of course not, as usual he says any shit that comes in to his head and expects people to simply believe it.The media have always been parasites that will swarm upon things like flies on shit if something is popular. Long before Littler was ever conceived during some drunken fumble, PDC darts was growing year on year, Phil Taylor was hyped, along came a 17 year old wonder kid...not not littler, but MvG before him and he got the hype, and darts kept growing, and if littler did not even exist the game was in an upward trajectory as it has been for well over a quarter of a century. The media will always hype someone, who was before Littler ? Honey monster Beau Greaves, before that it was Pinocchio. For Christ's sake they spent a decade hyping Bellyboy as well.
This notion that players are suddenly better off financially is nonsense, plus factor in if Littler goes on to dominate the game you could argue he will be taking money away from players as he hoovers up most of the top prizes. The other players who might have been in contention previously now will have to survive on the slim pickings left as both Lukes, MvG and a small handful dominate the game.
The only plus side, unlike under the Phil Taylor era when Taylor was almost untouchable and he was taking home almost all the top prize money it is a lot more spread about.
Then you have the abundance of glorified non ranking exbo shit events like these World series events where Twat Porter would reward his favourite players in his clique with trips to New York, Australia etc. These were happening long before littler, Pinnochio etc.
Luke Littler getting constant media attention does noting for the players ranked outside the top 80 for example, how are they better off ? They still have to travel, eat, pay bills, scrimp about for sponsorship, in fact those players are now worse off this year than they were last year, when rules were changed regarding the euro tours for example, protecting those at the top more, and making it more difficult for the lower players already struggling.
We have seen players in the past give up their tour card, some not even use it, others turn down Q-school and instead opt to do modus instead, only last week the lazy fat bone idle exbo addicted former 2 time world champion Adrian Lewis, who could still rock up to PDC events and try save his tour card, would rather lose it and plod about in Modus.
The player obviously gaining the most out all the Littler hype is Littler, did all the hype Ponocchio got help the female players ? Even when modus tried to piggyback of the Greaves and Sherrock hype and ran a Munters week you could hear their disappointment when Rhian O Sullivan won it, and it has hardly been mentioned since. You can guarantee if the honey monster or Pinocchio had won it would be constantly mentioned.
Mardle who has won nothing but lectures people like he was a proven winner, who makes retarded statements weekly also claimed his friend Rod Studd was better than Sid Waddell on commentary Imagine that...picking your friend over Sid and expect people to believe you are not biased in any way, and expect for anyone to take you seriously ?
Then Waddell never rated Mardle so hardly surprising He harbours some grudge against Waddell.
Then this is the cunt who once turned up on a darts forum I was a member on when he got his delicate little feelings hurt mocked the members , boasted how he made more money than them, only serving to show what a bitter spiteful, childlike imbecile he is, before leaving in a strop. He tries to pretend he is a jovial guy with his attention seeking, self deprecation act on TV but go to his twitter account and disagree with him or point out any inaccuracies to his multiple lies and you will find him blocking you.
Mardle also said Chris Mason was a nice guy. The same Mason who needed 2 buddies and weapons to attack a guy older than him in a 3 on 1 attack in the victims own home, an exco con with a history of wife beating, dole fraud and assault. Don't say this to Mason though as he might threaten you as he does not like the truth.
Here we are in August, and since the World Championships which ended in early January over 8 months ago we have got only 2 ranking televised events, the UK Open, and The Matchplay. This month we are getting even more non ranking meaningless glorified exbos, like the Australian shit that took place earlier for the friends of twat porter. For the next few weeks we have another world Series meaningless event from New Zealand, and then Munter events. I am sick to the eyeballs of countless non ranking exbos, so much so that I could not be bothered to watch the darts today. How many times can someone watch the same clique of players traveling around the globe beating global jobbers, whilst commentary completely bullshit and hoodwink a viewer in to thinking that any of this meaningless shit matters.
As I mentioned before my interest in this product is dependent on which players are invited and was interest to see how Stefan Bellmont would play, I like Conan Whitehead even if he is possibly the most erratic player without a tourcard, but the main usual clickbait shit from modus was their hyping of a 9 darter. Obviously there was no tweet from them about the multiple legs over 22 darts (8 visits). Well done to Van Velzen in hitting it, no doubt a great moment for him but does any viewer still give a flying fuck anymore about 9 darters that don't matter ? Last week there were a couple in the PDC during the floor comps, and believe Willie O'Connor hit the 501st Nine darter in PDC competition, but does anyone care ?
I would rather watch a decent match, than watch a shit match littered with 21 dart legs and suddenly a freak 9 darter pops up.
When an average darts fan thinks of a 9 darter, its usually the ones seen by huge audiences, in front of big crowds in games that matter, like Bellyboys one against MvG at the Worlds, Fatpot in a World final, Taylor hitting 2 and almost 3 against Wade in the one game, or Wade and Thornton both hitting a double in double out 9 darter in the same game against each other during the Grand Prix, but do people really give a shit about them on the pro tour, or world series, or modus or the yankee CDC etc.
Stefan Bellmont, who was highly fancied by the bookies completely bombed, Wesley Plaiser who has been brilliant lately blew it the week before, yet people think the lazy out of form, past him prime Fatpot will light up Modus. If Fatpot's mentality, attitude, and standard in Modus is anything like it was in his last PDC appearance he will be jobbing to the likes of Colin Osborne, Steve West etc.
As for Van Velzen who qualified for finals night seems he was alienating a lot of players with his antics but they did not seem bad to me, most likely player playing shit looking for something to complain about to mask how shit their own game was.