I was watching the latest season of Grace starring John Sim who plays a copper, and in the show a skeleton was found and the police pathologist came out and told the cop the body was that of a middle aged man. The pathologist did not give a shiny shit about how people identify, her job was based on anatomy. You cannot alter the rules of biology, no cunt putting on lipstick,, a bra or taking hormones etc can alter what you are, regardless of loudmouthed opinionated woke cunts who think shouting their agenda can change the most basic concept.
This week the spineless cunt Twat Porter allowed a biological man to compete in a woman's event yet again.I have no problem with the bloke calling himself Noa playing Modus, PDC Challenge tour etc as it is open to both genders, he can identify as a woman , a cat or a fucking ford granada for all I care, but he is not a woman, that is a biological fact and should not be allowed in women's events, the clue is in the name of the Womens World Matchplay.
We all know he is a bloke, yet PDC constantly refer to him as she,they wont address him as "He" because the likes of Twat Porter is scared of upsetting woke cunts. Twat porter who lacks a set of balls, pandering to a bloke that has a set of balls but wish he didn't. You could not make this shit up.
It was not my only complaint with certain players playing in PDC events this week. Friday saw the latest round of the development tour, a tour for the develpment of younger players, again the clue is in the name. The Development tour is suppose to ...wait for it, develop younger players, and the reward is the top 2 get tour cards, a fine concept, except Porter has allowed tour card holders in it.
As it stands the top 2 players already have tourcards, in fact the top 4 players already have tour cards, how can this be right. These tour card holders have their own tour to play in...yet again the clue is in the name.
I know some simple minded genetic defect with an imbalance of chromosomes will cry that those tour card holders are not making enough on the tour and the development tour helps them financially but the tour was not designed for them. If those tour card holders are not good enough to make a living with a tour card, perhaps they should find an alternative way of making an income or get a different job.
Right at the top of the development tour is Wessel Nijman, a corrupt cheating match fixing prick who was once suspended. Personally I believe he should have got a lifetime ban, is this is the poster child for the Dev tour ? A corrupt match fixer who already has a tour card battering the younger players and costing those without a tour card money ? How can anyone look at the tour and think this is right.
Tour card holder have their own tour, they should stick to that and let those kids without a card have their own tour and compete for all the prize money instead of the tour card holders coming in and sucking up the top money supplementing their income.
Meanwhile in Modus, Tony O Shea, one of the biggest chokers in the history of the game was invited, and the bookies had him as the complete outsider. Comms then told us it was because he was not playing well lately, so it begs the question why was he invited ?
There are far better player ignored, others have to qualify, but the old boys network seem to get preferential treatment. Do modus genuinely think this washed up and bloated choker will attract viewers
Then as usual in their clickbait bullshit they asked can Fallon Sherrock make finals night ? They put the girl in the easiest group possible of only 5 players where 3 qualify and in a group with O Shea, and when she scraped through in 3rd place on fucking leg difference the comms would have you believe she did something miraculous. In fact she only finished above bottom place on leg difference., and for all those who cry and moan, this is not opinion but fact.Then after the games were over, did they interview the group winner ? Of course not, they interviewed Pinocchio who finished third, no agenda there I guess either.
I know darts is a pub game, and many players are thick as pig shit, and fans also, but comms in modus and the PDC think everyone who watches the game is thick as pig shit, and forget any person with even a modicum of intelligence people see through this bullshit.
The sweaty ex postman was again this week making excuses , this time for his matchplay performance claiming he lost his bag with his darts in it. Any wonder he is no longer a postman when looking after a bag is too much for him. So if losing his darts was his excuse for faring badly at the matchplay, what is his excuse for not winning a PDC ranking major in 17 ,,,that is not a typo...seventeen years.
We all know he is only back playing because he thought he could make money on the exbo tour with Taylor, but covid put an end to that, and with a new wife needing money he was forced to whore himself out on the tour be in the whipping boy to far superior players., and hoping to make some money to keep the new wife happy.
Last for all the morons out there who cry that darts is not in the Olympics, darts is not a sport globally regardless of what the UK goverment tell you, the same government that tells you to welcome unvetted immigrants in your country, tell you a man in a bra must be considered a woman if he simply claims to be one and will try charge you with hate crime shit should you dare speak out.
Darts has to have a world governing body , but no olympic committee is going to acknowledge the WDF who think Jersey and catalonia are countries. Why should the International Olympic committee do the WDF any favours when the same WDF who banned Russian players from their events despite being told by very same IOC that Russian players should have been allowed participate. The WDF just ignored the IOC, so why should anyone be surprised the IOC do not care for the WDF
But people are too ignorant to be aware of this. People already know the many reasons why darts is not a sport anyway. Answer me this, name
A"sport" where a person with a drink problem on crutches can get within a set of reaching a world final.
A sport where members have to be personally emailed about sneaking drink in to venues.
A sport where the most successful layer as winning world titles in his 50s
A so called sport that has seen multiple top players drink themselves to death,....Andy Fordham, Jocky Wilson, alan Evans...
The IOC also insist on sports being regulated by anti doping orgs. How many players are pissed on stage ? How many take drugs, and been fined or suspended over it ?
But hey....some idiots wants it in the olympics......