I do find it amazing how many people who have openly claimed to never read this blog would be the very same people obsessing about me on forums and social media for what I said on this very same blog they supposedly do not read. Truth is they all read it, whether they choose to openly admit it or not.
Unlike them I am not a liar, and when I get something wrong will have no problem admitting so and last week I got something wrong when I said Damon Heta would not win a PDC comp, if only a glorified exbo. See what I did there ? I had no problem admitting I was wrong unlike a lot of people in darts who cannot admit when they are wrong.
One copper topped homosexual even claimed I would edit my comments after Heta won, because that is something he would do. Thankfully I am nothing like him.
I still believe Heta was lucky to win the comp, be it Wade fucking away a 5-3, lead, Anderson playing shit, Whitlock always a choker, and Cross missing not only a match dart, but blew the title when throwing for the win. I did not begrudge Heta winning and he could only beat what was in front of him but if we are honest the PDC players were poor. The comp stats, averages, finishing percentages all back that up.
Had I known a fucked up claim like I made about Heta would have got me this many views I would have done something similar more often. Views in the last week were higher than ever, so thank you to all you people who visited, and will no doubt visit again this week to read what I write and discuss that on forums this week as well.
Most of the obsession with me was on 2 forums I do not post on, one has an admin who lacked the balls to ban me and get grief of others so put me on pre mod, which I could no longer be arsed with waiting on a creepy bastard who sells sofas for a living to approve posts 4 hours later, any wonder I fucked off, and the other forum had an admin who not only tampered with my account but other members accounts, which caused a load of members to leave and post elsewhere. Even today almost 2 years after I left the old simpleton admin still edits my posts and edits threads to make them appear they were started by other people. Both forums I and others left are now quieter and boring and to boost post count, they discuss me. Work that one out,
Oddly enough when Sue Williams cuckold husband paid a call to both forum admin, both of them shit themselves. One stood there while his wife was threatened, the other would not even answer his door to a pensioner. these are the 2 chicken shits that run those forums, any wonder I and others who chose to leave now post elsewhere.
One of the many other forums I post on saw a guy who compared Heta's win to Rob Cross winning the World championship and wrote "And how lucky was rob cross to win hes world title,so what your saying is a load of baloney". He compared Cross beating MVG in a World semi final over 11 sets, to Heta winning a non ranking glorified exbo against unmotivated PDC players on a piss up down under. because Cross survived match darts against MVG.
As for Heta, his win this morning over the lazy bi polar cunt was his best performance in the PDC and nothing lucky about it either, Thankfully all the other players appeared more motivated this week, even the head shaking prick Barney, with the exception of Krusty the Klown who was doing his changing darts in the middle of a game again.
Seems Heta is moving to Derby in the UK, which proves my point he is not well in the head, what normal person would choose to live there when they could pick anywhere in the UK to move to ?. He will be giving Q-school a go in the new year and with the money he won from his PDC comp win and his BDO/WDF comp win would be paying for this. How long before some bitter mushroom complains that he should give back the money he won in the BDO/WDF comp since he is using it to go to Q-school. It has happened before with mushrooms crying about BDO money used to fund fledgling PDC careers. I don't think Heta is half the player Corey Cadby was when he first decided to give it a go, and look at Cadby now since his move to Target darts, and his visa trouble, I dont think Heta will cut it week in week out on the tour., as there as dozens of players capable of matching and even betting his stats. I will give Heta credit though for his bottle at crucial times when he looked beat. He showed more bottle last week than Bellyboy, White, Chizzy etc showed in the last year combined.
I know some people think I should have awarded myself Knob of the Week for getting a prediction wrong, but lets be realistic, that does not even come close to knocking Des the liar out of contention.
Des is fucking up so often he is not even giving others a chance to compete.
This week he tried to maintain tickets for the upcoming CatasTrophy were selling well in the very same letter he sent out to the counties begging people to buy tickets.
Were the milkmen busy ?
Where are these thousands of fanatics ?
Do these people who claim to be fanatics even know what fanatic even means.
The best part is Des trying to make out the 5 new referees were something worth buying a ticket for...priceless. These 5 refs were only hired because the other ones fucked off.
This comp is going to be a financial disaster, ticket sales will be bleak, and I bet Des will take no blame. Mark my words, someone else will be blamed for any failings of his.
Even some fanatics have finally woken up and seen the light.. On fanatics one member openly accusing Des of being a liar.. What a shock.
Another member claiming Des is trying to take all credit for new developments without thanking others who were involved.
Is this really a surprise to anyone ?
I have said for months how anything negative is someone elses fault, and anything deemed positive he takes credit for. When there were problems with venues is was not his fault and he openly blamed Sportotal and said it was their responsibility and he had no control.
Yet when the venues were sorted, he wanted the praise for himself and did not acknowledge Sportotal who he claimed were responsible for venues.
I know some people think I want the BDO to fail and die, but the truth is I don't, darts needs some people to run the pub game, sadly the bdo is run by a deluded, egomaniac and pathological liar with an insecurity complex, who is surrounds by deluded sycophants and he is just the latest in a long line of completely useless cunts who are completely out of their depth.
Secondly, as long as the BDO exists, they more we all have to laugh at, and I will never be short of material to laugh at.
This morning I watched live a PDC run glorified exbo in Melbourne and the arena was packed, tonight I turned on the Swedish Open, a ranking event in the "bdo"..yes....a swedish event in the BRITISH darts org and it was so bad, and not just from a production sense, I almost felt sorry for them, until I thought, fuck the players, they are as responsible for the condition of the BDO as much as the county board, the fans, they all allowed this to happen. Getting to the semi finals of the "bdo Swedish classic" will win you...wait for it, a staggering £86. No that is not one of my usual typos, eighty six quid. The Swedish Open event the same weekend pays more, they are offering the men the enormous sum of £43 for reaching the last 32.....forty three fucking quid. You be lucky to buy 4 points out of that in Sweden.
As for the "World" Darts Trophy, its becoming more of a Holland and UK comp, as not only has the Canadian qualifier pulled out and chosen not to enter, the Asian qualifier spot is not being taken, with Wes Newton getting a spot as the reserve player. Yes the same Wes Newton who could not even hold on to a tourcard in the PDC. I am not surprised the Asian and Canadian qualifiers will not be attending, after all would you travel halfway across the globe for a "monkey". For those not familiar, a "monkey is slang in the UK for £500. Apt really as we all know monkeys like peanuts, and thats what the BDO pay.
You can be assured if an Asian or Canadian ever qualified for the PDC World Matchplay they would not turn it down as they would be assured of a minimum £10k, That is twnety times more than the BDO pay. The bdo can spout all their bullshit and throw out those key phrases like "loyalty" or "family", speak of "new era's" but no one is buying that shit any more, the players will not travel for pittance, the so called fanatics will not buy tickets, no matter how much begging the waiter begs, and who can blame them.
Have you seen the line up for prime time TV on Saturday night in the Catas Trophy.
You have Bo Secta against Laura Turner, the BDO website"IT expert" at 20 past 8 on a Saturday night, and at the scheduled time of 9,30 you have Deta Hedman against Maria O Brien.
This is what they have on TV on prime time Saturday night, and they wonder why they have problems selling tickets. Who the fuck would go out on a saturday night and pay to watch that shit.
I have to make a mention for Mr Potato head Scott Waites, who hauled his arse to the PDC Challenge tour last weekend.The double Bob Potter Cup winner, jobbed out in the last 256 on the Saturday, and did the same on Sunday.
Have you seen the shit in the challenge tour ? For every good player with potential, you have some absolute rubbish, so Waites losing in the last 256 shows where his game is these days.
The challenge tour is now basically a mix of ex PDC has beens, long past their sell by dates with guys like Scooty eye Andy Jenkins, Mark Walsh and Colin Osborne, Munters like Lisa Ashton and Rachel Brooks with averages in the 60s, BDO rabble like Dean Reynolds and Daniel Day, scurrying about in the hope of making £2k ,as money in the bdo is pittance.
Dave Askew had a better weekend than Waites....Dave fucking Askew...what century is this ?
Wes Newton stinking up the events quicker than Tytus Kanik. When I saw he made the semi final on Sunday I thought Jesus, then saw that Jesus was also in the semi finals, he played Richie Edhouse, one of my followers on twitter.
Steve Hine plodding along, wonder if he is still handing out fivers to ginger haired homosexual markers hanging of him like flies on shit. Then you have the completely deluded, guys like Brian Hudson and Nathan Richards who averaged 46 and 49. Why the fuck would you bother ?
Wes Newton and Daniel Day who job out in these events qualify for bdo "majors"...imagine that.
I guess I should not really knock them, after all they are attempting the challenge tour in the hope of getting a tourcard, because any dart player with pride, passion, a set of balls or a backbone, knows the place to be is in the PDC....
And lastly, should anyone who claims to not read here find anymore mistakes, or predictions I get wrong, be sure to mention it again on forums for me. I take great joy in having those people who claim to despise this blog, be the very same people who help me get even more views because they are too fucking stupid to comprehend it in their obsession with me.
Maybe start a poll on a forum, about what I write on here....lol