Friday, July 19, 2019
I know some people regard the game of Darts as a sport, some like Rod Harrington would have you believe its up there with tennis and golf and other sports which I have little time for. To me its just a game, all be it an exciting one that has a lot of money on offer if you are good enough, and play in the right organisation.
Here in lies my point, most games or sports have a professional side and an amateur side. In Darts you have the PDC, they are the professionals, run by professionals in a professional manner. Then you have the BDO, the amateur side, and there is nothing wrong or no shame in being an amateur, except in the BDO there are so fucking delusional they have actually convinced some simpletons they run a "world professional" game, despite them having no professional players. The board is run by amateurs, the players are amateur, everything in the BDO is amateur.....which is to be expected with amateur organisations.
The problem with the BDO is they are not just simply amateurs they are complete fucking morons.
No other amateur organisation that claims to be a world governing body could ever produce the litany of fuck ups their laughing stock produce over and over. Being amateur does not make allowances for the fuck up after fuck up. This week the CatasTrophy venue was finally announced, and sure enough even that could not go ahead with fuck ups. When the prize money was announced it showed the Munters prize fund was cut by 37%, the first prize which was already a pathetic joke with £3k for winner, was now reduced to £2k, which was hilarious considering the simpleton that would have cut it, was the same guy married to the munter demanding equal pay for all the other munters. Then it was announced the munters prize fund was "a mistake" and the money was not cut after all.
Here is the post with the munters prizefund
We are now expected to believe the whole complete post was a mistake, and the posting of it was also a mistake, when it is quite obvious this was back tracking by the waiter out of fear of a backlash from the munters, including his wife who had in the past demanded more money and equality for the munters game.
Even the most simple thing like proof reading or checking a post for mistakes is beyond these idiots.
Yes, people can complain I make typos, but I am not pretending to be a world governing body or representing an organisation that claims to have millions of members.
Take a look at this shit the illiterate ex waiter spewed this week.
The qualifiers for said Catas Trophy will be taking place on a Thursday, and oddly no mushroom has complained yet, but when the PDC put on a munters qualifier midweek in the past the shrooms were out in force complaining about qualifiers on a weekday.
Credit where credit is due though, their IT department were on the ball this week, when they removed the picture of Glen Durrant from the front page of the BDO website. It only took SIX FUCKING MONTHS for them to get around to it.
Now the next step is to try sell tickets to this clusterfuck of a pity event in grim Blackburn. You can be assured the so called thousands of "fanatics " will not be attending, and suspect a load of freebies will be handed out as soon as the milkmen report back to the waiter that the dolescum are not interested in attending, at which point the waiter will blame others for his failings.
Here is the real kicker, not content with being the most ridiculous run organisation, the BDO has even got a challenger to that title at times, and its also a darts organisation, called the EDO.. That's right, another org, run by a simpleton, catering to delusional fuckwits, who are as thick as pig shit. The EDO are run by a dinosaur, that when he was running Lancashire darts, he did not notice his own treasurers was robbing tens of thousands of pounds to stick in a slot machine. Who knows, maybe the slots will pay out soon in Lancashire and the lucky punter might buy a ticket to the CatasTrophy in Lancashire, or split a cab fare to the venue with Tommy the Jew.
Tommys pet lodger and trained monkey and lapdog to Deta Hedman was the first this week to claim the Catas Trophy post was a mistake, last night in typical crawling mode was begging people on social media to attend the Catas Trophy as it was "crucial", but the EDO and Tommy the Dinosaur get a mention for their fuck up of the Isle of Man Festival of Darts which had been scheduled for the 5th to the 8th of March next year and been posted on the BDO website.
They got the date wrong, and guess who was first out on social media making excuses ? Thats right, Tommys little errand boy, the same gimp who acts like all fuck ups in the BDO and EDO are simple"mistakes".
Seems a lot of people are well out of pocket already over the incompetence of Tommy and his crew of simpletons.
I would not trust Tommy the Jew or the ex Waiter with looking after a goldfish, let alone finances or an organisation. That said if it were not for these 2 absolute braindead morons, and others like Popcorn teeth, her cunt husband etc, my blog would have far less to write about, and most likely would struggle week in week out, but with the BDO and EDO I will never be short of material.
I saw a video post by Chris Mason explaining why he recently deleted his twitter account, and how he recently lost his parents and how he was being trolled over that. Regardless of what my opinions on him, if that is true then that is the lowest of the low if people are having a go at him over his parents.
A mention for Daryl Gurney who was utterly pathetic against James Wade in the German Darts Masters. He lost 8-0 , and unlike earlier in the year when James Wade whitewashed Gurney 7-0 in the Premier League , and Gurney had an excuse when Wade averaged 109, last weekend it was a case of Gurney being utter shit, and finished with an average under 75.
This begs the question, will those asshole cunts the DRA give him a fine for failing to play to his ability, like the cunts done to Mickey Mansell.
I do not agree with the DRA giving out fines like they did to Mansell, but if you are going to apply a rule , even one as ridiculous as that, then the rule should apply to all and equally..
Gurney himself admitted on twitter this week his incident with Gerwyn Price in the Premier League got him a fine as well, although the amount is still not known, which he has accepted. For those that do not remember, this was the game that ended 7-7 and the ski sloped face mouthy prick was acting the hardman behind the back of Vermin Price, but when Vermin got in his face Gurney was backing away the whole time.
When Vermin comes across as the lesser cunt, you realize what a total dickhead Gurney is.
Hopefully his recent poor form continues into the Matchplay this week.
As for Price, I will be curious to see if he was also fined, and if so how it will affect the supposed appeal he had in with the DRA over his incident with Gary Anderson.
Roll on the Matchplay, one of the biggest and best Majors in Darts
Huge prize money
Professionally run, and organised
Well advertised and plenty of press and media coverage
No shortage of ticket sales
The Venue sorted out Years in advance.
People actually give a shit about this PDC event
Now compare this to the shit in the BDO like the recent europe youth cup, an event where only the brain damaged would give a flying fuck about.
So to finish with, checkout this post I found by a dumbfuck bdo mushroom crying how international sport like cricket got media coverage and the bdo europe cup did not......hilarious