Friday, February 26, 2016
She has until Monday to get the accounts filed.I personally believe the lateness is to do short term damage limitation, but they will be no escaping this, and these will be last years figures.
What the present state figures are is no doubt even worse reading, which will be made worse by the cost of the solicitors letters handed out yesterday to players if the stories are true.
Seems Sue the Gash cancelled the proposed meeting with the players, and had letters sent, one can only suspect de luxe involvement somewhere, or perhaps the BDO retarded board still are buying Warren Browns bullshit and want to force the players from discussing anything.
The players who are doing nothing this weekend, will just accept that as we all know how a bdo solicitors letter can be so intimidating, look at how one darts forum and their mod team started shitting themselves when told they would get one if the allowed my pictures on the site.
Simpletons like choker Durrant., Fat Mitchell, Bottler O Shea etc will do as they are told,Sue knows she can do whatever she likes, no need to resign, she will tell these cunts jump and they will ask how high.
In the meantime, the PDC goes from strength to strength , in a week where the bdo had a cancelled event the PDC was breaking 2 records on TV in the Premier League