Friday, October 26, 2018

No surprise which moron is most deserving of the award this week. While the chubby waiter was out in Turkey mostly likely personally profiting from a comp after using his position as chairman of the BDO to promote, the Bob Potter annual fiasco has gone without any update.
Its almost November and no venue confirmed, no sponsors, no mention of a prizefund, and no tickets sold.
The Masters had about 8 people watch the last day of action and those tickets were on sale for months, good luck trying to fill Bobs dump come January if the event does go ahead and if it is held there.
I could go on about all the other fuck ups and disasters, but whats the point, they wont ever learn and truthfully most people, even their own fans have given up on them. All they are good for is providing the unintentional comedy that we laugh at.
total mongs...or should that be "foamongs".

A mention for the PDC who made up some bullshit story about scumbag Corey Cadby.
The PDC twitter account stated Cadby "broke his arm"
PDC Bullshit
Yet a fortnight later the criminal was winning a match with a 101 average down under.
Obviously the true story is the fat cunt was refused a visa. for Austria, as well as being refused one prior for the UK. You would think the PDC knew it was bullshit and went along with the lie, or else were stupid enough to buy it and thought everyone else would buy that bullshit.
I have no problem with the UK denying a criminal with more than one conviction  a visa. Does seem strange though that the Aussies would allow British and Dutch PDC dart players with criminal convictions into Australia.. Cadby is a good watch, and a decent player, but let this be a lesson for others.

With the Grand slam coming up a mention for James Wade, Daryl Ski slope face Gurney and Simon Shitlock who all have not qualified for the Grand Slam. As a Wade fan , in the past I would have hoped he qualified, but the reality is fuck him, Gurney and Shitlock. They had a whole year to qualify, and knew the criteria and still failed so far. and I don't want the PDC trying to shoehorn these players in out of favoritism. Wade did reach 4 finals this year, 2 in the Euro tour where he lost to Hunchback, Gurney reached the semi final of a Major and there could be arguments that that makes them worth a spot, but the reality is they knew last year that would not be enough so tough shit.
I do wonder if Barney had not qualified via the usual route of the World Cup after being carried by MVG would the PDC then change the rules.
Simply put Wade, Gurney and Shitlock were not good enough, and mostly because they are out of form, and I don't want to see out of form players at the Grand Slam, we already have a bunch of BDO jobbing scum turning up with their hand out begging for the PDC coin. making up the numbers.
Today Gurney went out of the European championships so he won't be qualifying through that route either.
That said the PDC have fucked up by making it 8 qualifiers in the play off for a GSoD spot.
You just know we will get a couple of floor player jobbers who mixed with a lucky draw and freak run of form will qualify.
We will end up getting a few jobbers like Nathan Derry, or some slow prick like Justin Pipe.
About time Uncle Barry quoted Olly Croft  and tell the bdo scum "we don't owe the players a living" .
Better yet make them sign a contract saying they will attend Q-school or not get paid as the PDC will only financially reward players within the PDC system.If they refuse to sign send them on and replace the bdo begging scum with PDC players who are part of their own system.
The bdo scum add nothing, zero, fuckall to the Grand slam, its like Uncle Barry pities the begging pricks and offers them a payday most will never see in the bdo run by a fat waiter with giant plastic looking teeth.

In the European championships, Willie O Connor lost the plot in his match against that German cunt Max Hopp and got totally played. He let the crowd get to him. I was surprised the ref did not ask the crowd for silence , but on the flip side the crowd were great tonight as they cheered on Steve West against that obese hills have Eyes lump of hunchbacked shit MVG.I have said it before and will say it again, every time that dutch cunt goes out it automatically improves a competition. The German fans are obviously sick of him as well as they don't dislike all Dutch players.

Hopefully today all these cunts on social media and forums who mentioned how Ian White should be in the Premier League because he was now #10 in the world might realize the cunt is only a floor player, and not fit to grace a PDC stream let alone the premier League. His TV record is abysmal.

As shit as Wade and Fatpot are this year, I would rather watch them than the likes of Ian White and Darren Webster in the PL...because its an exbo. Who wants to watch Ian white versus Darren Webster on a thursday night ?
Still there is a few big comps to go and there is still hope some of the upcoming younger players can hit form and put themselves in contention.