Friday, August 31, 2018

Whilst on some dart forums and social media this week I was laughing like a cunt at some of the BDO fans who have said there has been progress under Des.Up til this weekend all the waiter did was make it possible for the munters to play in the PDC Ally Pally qualifiers, and he did this because his own wife could play, so all he did was something for his wife not the players, who could have gone regardless as what could the bdo do, ban them from tv events they don't actually have anyway ?

There was suppose to be an announcement by the BDO today in relation to Lakeshite.
The BDO announced there would be an announcement from them on Friday evening. That's right the BDO are still announcing announcements.As usual said promises never happened, what a shock.
Today the BDO announced that the announcement they were due to announce was postponed and said the announcement that was due to be announced would be announced later next week..You could not make this shit up.

In the meantime dozens of people have been on the BDO facebook page trying to get details about Lakeshite.Not a single one of them got a reply, despite the waiter being on facebook promoting some 2 bit event that he is most likely profiting from. The waiter posted twice within minutes and ignored the fans, and the waiter knows he can treat those fans like shit because they will accept it as usual.
Hard to have any sympathy for those simpletons who were part of the reason the waiter got the job in the first place, so was no surprise thenew chairman could not be arsed to even reply to those asking him questions on facebook.

Remember when the waiter was giving his speech when he put his name forward for BDO chairman?
He claimed he would be bringing in some sponsors he had lined up. Where are these sponsors ?
Seems like bullshit from him to get elected, and of course the counties lapped that shit up.
If this is progress, then the waiter is indeed the right person to follow in the footsteps of Popcorn teeth.

The number of munter seeds in the Masters,has been reduced from 8 to 4, only days before the cut off. Only today have the munters realized the cull in seeds. Seemingly the info which was confirming the drop in the number of seeds was on the Winmau site.
Here is the best bit, Winmau claimed they did not know, even though it was on their own fucking site. Work that one out.Does anyone have a clue what these cunts are up to ???
But fuck the munters as well, no one wants to see their shit on tv, and they too are part of the reason the waiter is in charge. I have no pity for anyone in the bdo who brought it all on themselves.

Yet still the BDO fans who get treated like shit still try persuade people there is progress.
BDO fans must be the most retarded people ever.Check out this simpleton who thinks there should be a BDO Premier League
Marc Clewes @clewsyworld Aug 26
Tbh it needs the TV coverage to get exposure, but then it has to be well polished and look decent to appeal. The problem is the quality of the darts which isn't the best at times. Would be better focusing on a tv style premier league

thedartsforum @darts_forum
A BDO Premier League? Behave mate.

Marc Clewes @clewsyworld
There must be 10 players who are decent and can entertain. Make it 5 events and some sort or league play. Could capture some interest if it looks and feels half decent.

The BDO "majors" like the Gold Cup and the Catastrophy only got half a dozen fans. Who in their right mind would watch a bdo PL league,let alone broadcast that shit.Its like the super series bullshit all over again.

Here is another mentally retarded mushroom with his disturbing obsession

Last Friday I mentioned how I was one of 87 people on the entire planet that had tuned in on youtube to watch the stream for the Swedish Open, needless to say it was shit.
Early the following morning I watched the soft tip darts live from Japan, which had almost 5 thousand people watching live.
When I mentioned it on a forum that calls itself a dart forum,that the soft tip darts was getting more than 50 times as many viewers as the Swedish open a thick Irish mick mushroom cunt so desperate to defend the BDO claimed it was because there was more people in Japan than England. The fact it was live in Sweden and on you tube and you could watch from anywhere around the world was lost on him.
When I mentioned that even darts from the Weigh Inn pub in Omagh Northern Ireland was getting more views on a stream than the BDO gets he logged out.
BDO Mushrooms are beyond retarded.

A mention for the carpenter Scott Waites who said that 90% of bdo players will be going to Q-school.
The thick cunt thinks the bdo is just the top 32 players.Its hardly 90% of the thousands at grass roots level.Maybe he meant the top 32.
And even then it would make no sense either. Work it out, 90% of 32 is ?

Elsewhere this week I read that Ryan Searle won the champions of champions event held last week.
Yes that Ryan Searle the cunt who was caught cheating to win a match in the past.
Understandable that some people were not happy and would have preferred he had lost.
One comment that made me laugh was this that was posted on a darts forum saying"Hope he didn’t claim a double that wasn’t IN"

A valid comment since Ryan Searle is a cheating bastard. The hypocrisy however is the person who made the post complaining about "cheating" was former PDC player Steve Maish who is just out of prison for fraud.The audacity of that criminal to lecture people on cheating is staggering. Its like the groping Ross Montgomery complaining about Phil Taylor being a sexual deviant.

Other mentions this week.
Barney who has pulled out of upcoming players championships. Come November his "I will be doing the full tour next year" crap will be spewed out again as he gets another unwarranted and undeserved PL spot in 2019. while most likely outside the worlds top 25

Max Hopp, sick to the eyeballs of comms kissing the hole of this useless cunt.He is only as high in the rankings as he is making the bulk of his money on the euro tour qualifying as a home nation qualifier.
If all these events were not held in Germany he would hardly be qualifying, today he went out to Andrew gilding who won with an 91 average.

Robert Marijanovic with the choke of the week.Led Robert Thornton tonight 5-3 and went to shit,a heap of scores under 30 and loses 6-5.
Another cunt who would not be qualifying for events if they were held outside Germany

Antonio Alcinas who had 3 match darts tonight to beat Fatpot Lewis. His third dart at double 5 was nearer the treble.