Friday, August 2, 2013

Some might think it a bit harsh giving Groper KotW after such a brilliant display of darts on sunday in the matchplay, but fuck them.

He deserves it alone for his ignorant attitude on stage, when Adrian Lewis  acknowledged the retirement from Sky by John Gwynne , did he even consider paying the slightest tribute ?

Did he fuck, too busy hauling the board down of the wall in his usual behavior, no one was asking him to donate the board to Gwynne but a few words of appreciation might have made him look less of a prick than usual.
Then his comments of " there was two winners", what a condescending cunt.
Then to add more levels of his own ego tripping went on in a recent interview how he wants to win another 10million, just to let everyone know what he already won, bad enough the top money is being sucked up by him but to shove it in the faces of others shows his insecurity, need for attention and his overall pig ignorant attitude.