No surprise for this weeks winner, then again this guy has been a knob for decades, seemingly however the BDO are only just aware of this. Their false front and facade of sacking this vile sack of shit is just to cover themselves during the media shit storm. They had to have been aware of his behavior for years, every other long term dart fan on the planet either witnessed or knew about his routine and it was not the first time he has been caught on camera, recall seeing him being just as bad on a stream a few years back at the Zuiderduin Masters..
His excuse is he did not know the camera was on, implying had it been off it would have been ok, now he is claiming others are writing filth and he was set up.
How deluded is this pile of human shit ?.
The BDO dont come out of this any better, the idiot Holmes when asked on radio seemed compelled to say he was "sacked" but how can you sack someone who is not a employee, and if he was sacked how could Fatz resign ? and more to the point if gone why now have to face a BDO board, the BDO cannot even fire someone without looking like complete fucking spastics.
Hard to imagine him winning another Knob of the Week ever again, I expect him to be like Olly Croft, another old vile dinosaur who will spend his last remaining days being eaten up with hate and bitterness and blaming everyone including the BDO , the same BDO that hung him out to dry to cover their own arses when they knew all along what he was like and previously allowed him to carry on.
There is a small glimpse of hope for the mountain of human flesh though, I am sure the likes of DBG and the Scorpion , 2 other well known racist cunts might put a word in for Fatz in the IDO