Friday, February 7, 2014

No shortage of contenders this week, with the Worlds greatest bottler O Shea losing last night to the yankee jobber, Waites going out first round in a televised comp for the second time in a row.
some people even suggested Taylor for getting beat, although he had an average around 100.

But no, this week goes to Ross Montgomery and his actions in last weekends dutch open, the game has no place for cheats, and he deserves the knob award, just like when Taylor and Searle cheated and they won the award.
How Scott Waites did not see it or realize what Montgomery was up to is beyond me, the final darts in the final leg, how could the carpenter not be aware what his opponent was doing.

I applauded Ross for his actions, during the 2013 Lakeshite for not getting involved in the shit between Fitton and Eccles and being the better man, and he earned my respect, but cheating is wrong no matter how you spin it.