Friday, March 15, 2013

After suffering a defeat to Andy Hamilton which is almost unheard of in darts, he went and lost to Hamilton again this time live in the Premier League. A defeat dont make you a knob but  2 defeats to a guy who was so far in the pocket its a bloody miracle.
He did not look comfortable up there on stage, maybe his mind was not on the game for fear of some bad publicity getting out .
But what you may ask could that be. According to the twitter account of Andy Fordham who was scheduled to be in an dart event with Bristow, Barney and Taylor on the 12th of March, Fordham sent this
 "@viking180: Well had a great night until a certain 16 time champ lost the plot and all my respect with it".

Now unless the 16 times world Champion is the styling and profiling Nature boy Ric Flair, it is very clear who this is. maybe Taylor was being the prick he can be, giving it the big act as usual. The Groper fans seemed to have formed some sort closed security as have many forums and members, and the vile and obese Fordham has not opened his trap since, maybe he was also nobbled as we all know people who slate Taylor in public tend to get a call of Tommy Cox or his stasi style goafers, look how the guy Dartoid shit a brick and went grovelling.
My own personal opinion is Taylor acted the cunt like he can do, if I was a 16 time World champ I too would be a cunt, fuck it, I am a cunt anyway and an award winning one at that,  but lets not kid ourselves behind that horrid forced smile lies a insecure horrible attention seeking little man, who yearns for praise, maybe he was dropped on his head when a child or not given the love he needed, or just maybe he was a greedy selfish child, who knows and he has every right to act the knob should he wish but dont try fool us then that he is such a nice guy, his criminal record proves that.