Friday, February 8, 2013

A runaway contender this week. Thank fuck this old fat sack of shit aint got long left before he snuffs it. A poisonous disgusting genetic throwback that is a cancer on the game.
A racist, a liar, a shit stirring sack of shit who ignored emails from Deta Hedman for months according to Pauley, then had the nerve to make ludicrous suggestions that Deta was in someway responsible for losing some mythical sponsorship deal worth 20k.
All this after Deta had just finished a match, when pressed for details of this mysterious 20k sponsorship he for the first time shut his vile mouth and went quiet.
It will be a fuckin' miracle if they can find enough people to carry that fat bastards coffin when he does become worm food. He wont be missed.

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